me too i can’t wait til they turn this into a season of Unreal and also a lifetime movie
me too i can’t wait til they turn this into a season of Unreal and also a lifetime movie
she’s not going to mention how fucked up it is that ABC is recklessly parading a black man around as a rapist with little to no information regarding the incident? which was reported by a third party who did not even witness it? release the tapes.
be happy that he’s straight
pretty much the only comedian who can actually make me laugh out loud
please. simply “frustrated” moms don’t get worked up enough to write in about this. and the threats? don’t take that shit lightly as it will probably continue until death and affect her grandchildren, unfortunately. it’s not way over the top when it’s a real problem.
Kim was abused. jerk.
my man and i sleep separately and it’s totally the key to our success. the 1-2 nights a week that we do share the bed (usually falling asleep after shows), i am always feeling the pain the next morning. cuddling is great but not worth the resentment that could build up if my sleep was disrupted every night.
using Mandy Moore as a celebrity example right between Lebron and Lohan LOL almost didn’t catch that one.
not gonna lie that fuzzy dress with the hood looks mad comfortable rn
lmaooo OK michelle williams
she just means JB is not very cool. i understand. 7th Heaven was like her peak... and now she’s literally just Justin Timberlake’s wife. not necessarily a bad thing TBH.
says the dude responding to literally every comment LMAOOOOOOOO
not a sociopath, just someone who can clearly tell the difference between a “joke about a toddler’s death” and a joke about a TYPO. ok, now you can move on.
oh please.
....and half the time they don’t actually get that help you’re speaking of and likely wind up with a felony on their record forever, ruining their life even further... and the rest is history as you obviously know. the system is disgusting.
is a mug a dish tho? i wouldn’t consider a glass a dish, so how is a mug a dish? if it is, good joke.
no shit. i haven’t had my period in years and it blows my mind that some women don’t even know that you can do this!
5’1 woman and reasonable human here. i can certainly confirm that whenever i am pushing 130 lbs, that shit is FAT.