
Thank you for your reply. I agree that she lumps people of colour together in those excerpts, but as far as I could tell, she doesn’t explicitly state anywhere that racism is always perpetrated by white people. I understood her arguments to be speaking to racism as a system and practice, in which people of colour can

I did not get that impression. Could you elaborate on where/how the writer implies that only white people practice anti-asian racism?

Yes! This is the my idea of relaxation! I always dose off right before the second murder.

Exactly! So many people do it because it should be done, and end up miserable.

This is so true and so well put :) For instance, I found the right person for me in my late twenties, but then it took us years to know each other and grow together to build a truly supportive, trusting, giving, and patient relationship.

Also, based on his very limited understanding of the First Amendment, he didn’t do very well in law school, if he did go to law school.

Thank you for this nuanced and reasoned articulation! I often find that commentators Jezebel adopt a binary approach to issues.

That’s actually a helpful system. It’s something I am trying to figure out more generally in life: how much to engage/speak up when I meet people who convolute feminism, say subtly racist things, etc.

It seems as though one could completely exhaust oneself responding to every point she/he makes, to no avail. She/he doesn’t take one’s responses into consideration. I am often conflicted and confused about how to engage or disengage from some such people .

Ha ha, slippery and slimy and comes out at night! Sound about right ;)

This is perfection.

Thank you for posting this and for your analysis. I enjoyed reading it.

Thank you for posting this! I hadn’t heard of the term before, but what the quotes and Gladwell describes is borne out by my own experiences too.

The Streisand effect!

Yeah, this person’s response to you was confusingly aggressive. Did I miss something? You made a mistake and even explained it! Shouting at at each other without even trying to understand each other properly isn’t helpful and may in fact be counter productive.

To each their own nightmares, I suppose :p

You’re less afraid of live birds than dead ones? Dead ones can’t peck your eyes out!

That’s beer store and most of them look like that here in Ontario. In Ontario, that’s where one can buy beer and return bottles and cans for a refund.

I don’t know if this is helpful, but for me it happened organically. First, I don’t believe in “marriage” as a social, legal, or religious commitment. But I do believe in building a life with my partner and I cannot imagine my life without him in it. I mean I actually cannot. 

This distinction is the key! Thanks for pointing it out so effectively!