
The fact that it’s been co-opted from Sanskrit by Gwyneth-types makes me want to die .

I love this reference! I really enjoyed those books!

LOL at the Fox News comment. It’s funny because it makes perfect sense. Sigh.

Ooh I would love a whole class of nothing but savasana!

Do you mean “savasana” or “shavasana”, as in corpse pose? Sav = corpse, whereas, as far as I know, Shiva refers to the Hindi god, Shiva.


Ha ha ha, this cracked me up! Sorry you’re exhausted though.

It is literally mesmerizing. I couldn’t look away until my partner asked why I was staring at my phone.

Oh that happens sometimes too. And it always seems to do the opposite of what I want.

Ha ha! This is brilliant and clever and hilarious! I wish I had more stars to give. (Sometimes, the mobile version of the site has a bug and one can give people many stars, it seems, but sadly, not today).

I think framing “human rights” as a western ideal is deeply problematic.

Forgive me if I have missed some context, but who is this “we” you speak of? Isn’t it possible that there are human rights activists in countries like Nepal who want equal rights for women? Who don’t want women to be excluded and isolated from society and considered unclean?

I had to look up “cromulent”. Well played. I love that it sounds like something David Brooks would use :p

I am not sure if someone else has pointed this out (I am not reading all the comments for fear of more spoilers), but some of us may not be caught up on this show! My partner and I have been saving it for the long weekend :(

I totally agree with you! I especially love the last line of your comment ;)

What kind of jam? Just jam or also some peanut butter?

Thank you for making this point!

Ha ha, this made me laugh until a tear came out of right eye!


I think she uses the jade eggs. I don’t think she’s knowingly deceiving people out of greed. Rather, I think she’s just silly enough to believe in this spiel and fancies herself some sort of modern day guru. It’s stupidity and hubris rather than greed and duplicity that underlies her behaviour.