
I just love your kinja name!

Thank you for this lovely comment. I’ve decided to subscribe as well, after reading it :)

100% cosigned. Also, anyone with Nutella in their name knows what they’re talking about!

This! Exactly this! All these “cakes” taste absolutely horrendous. And the mouth feel is awful.

This exactly. I could have written his comment myself. The only thing I use it for now is to make fresh orange juice for boozy Mimosa brunches. Sigh.

My dad did this! His work gave him an apple computer, but he is old and doesn’t like adjusting to new technology/interfaces, so he loaded windows OS on it. Then he went around telling everyone that Apple computers are slow and not that great. Ha ha.

I thought it was someone being funny and pretending to be the writer. Is he actually the writer? If so, this is a bizarre and lazy response on his part! 

I agree with everything you said. You’ve captured the paradoxical powerless of our existence so aptly and passionately.

I am so sorry that happened to you. It’s absolutely horrific and unfair. I hope you’ve healed and that you got all the support you wanted/needed.

“Vigilance is not rewarded; only its absence is punished.”

Exactly. I think it’s largely popular in cosmopolitan cities amongst certain socio-economic groups. I don’t have sources to back this up; it’s just my impression.

Those cheekbones!

Ah! You meant chemicals created as a result of human activity. Got it.

Air is a chemical...

That’s absolutely horrible! I am so sorry this happened to you. I hope you got all the support you wanted from the state, friends, and family.

I would star this a thousand times if I could.

Wait, England is famous for their cuisine being good? I thought the original poster was being sarcastic. I guess it depends on the circles you move in, where you live etc., but I thought the general joke was that their food is (relatively) bland and uninteresting.

This! And my reason for objecting to looks-based criticisms of her isn’t even about her. It’s inherently problematic and toxic to make fun of women for how they fail to meet patriarchal standards of beauty and/or femininity. That is why we should object to it. It has nothing to do with protecting her.

Ha ha, I love this clarification:)

I love this analogy. It’s difficult sometimes for people to see the subtle bias underlying how we judge women.