
I think of a DNA test as indicating lack of faith in her fidelity rather than his virility. But you may be right, he may conflate the two, without really thinking it through. 

Something tells me that Trump is the sort of person to ask for a DNA test when his children are born. My theory is that people like Trump can’t trust other people. He probably assumes that all people are fickle, selfish, spineless, childish, and dishonest, just like him.

This is the most valid and interesting critique of the movie, I’ve come across. Thank you for for making this point!

Yes! Hissing sounds like a brilliant idea! I am going to adopt it forthwith. 

Yes, that was truly bizarre. I really couldn’t understand why she became so emotional based on what he said. And she seemed so vulnerable and gullible! 

It’s a TARDIS!

This, absolutely! 

Well played! 

This was so very kind of you. And your empathy and compassion for them is touching. 

I totally agree! We ordered ours a few weeks ago and already, I feel less frustrated with being stuck indoors for the most part. Also, it helps me connect with family whom I can’t visit (because of COVID). My cousins and I do classes together and it’s fun!

This comment! I wish I had more stars to give! 

Yes, this. It sounds like something an abuser would say to groom their victim(s). 

What a total creep! I am so sorry this happened to Stark and I am disgusted that the person she wrote an email to (Cianci’s boss) didn’t even respond!

“...the judges allowed Ritter Sport to retain their patent.”

The author is mistaken, this case involves a trademark and has absolutely nothing to do with patents. Trademark and parents are not interchangeable concepts. The reason trademarks are protected is that it is a way for consumers to identify the source and therefore, the quality and/or other attributes of a product. So,

Yes! This! I am stealing this the next time I am brave enough to attempt an argument with a Trump apologizer. If you dont mind.

What the actual F!!? How is this something they could do, leave along talk about doing on YouTube! 

I had the same exact thought! 

This is the trick! I don’t struggle with duvet covers any more ever since my German ex’s mother showed me this method. 

« The “nature = good/unnature = bad” thing is just dumb and untenable. Nature is full of terrible things (Conium maculatum tea, anyone? It worked on Greek criminals!) and manufactured things can be fine and beneficial. »