
I just want the schadenfreude of women finding out 13 years later that they have a secret child and owe $237, 620.13 in child support.

If the couple can’t agree on property, then it’s sold and divided. Embryos cannot be divided, but also cannot be ethically used without an intact partnership between the donors. As such, I think the only moral solution is to destroy them.

YES! I don’t understand it?! “I, the undersigned, knowledgablely and of sound mind affirm that the embryos will only be fertilized upon the established, voluntary and contemporary consent of BOTH partners.”

I love how you left out the genders. Tamir probably would have been less likely to have been shot had he been a black woman. even less likely had he been a white woman.

And this crazy white lady would have been more likely to had been shot had she been a man. and even more likely had she been a black man.

White women are the fucking worst

But hit them if you need to defend yourself.

They both fucking suck. But shit if she hit him first its open season. Personally I think if a woman is hitting a man, he has the right to hit her back. Nobody bats an eye when a woman fights back when a man is attacking her.

There is a guy I know that was being abused by a ugly drunk of a woman for months. She’d leave the apartment alone, drink until blacked out in a bar somewhere and someone would invariably call him to pick her up. One of those times she rewarded him once they got home by repeatedly kicking him in the head. She honestly

See that’s the problem. You want to maintain that female privilege. And on a site supposedly for equality.,

I think this should answer your question:

Why won’t you give that advice to HER?

Funny, I’d say that about anyone white person that uses the word nigger.

Seriously. By their logic any guy dating a woman can’t be a misogynist.

This is Jezebel. They don’t believe women beating up their significant others is abuse. They think it’s funny.

Eileen refuses to look at her woman privilege in the eye.

Eileen refuses to look at her woman privilege in the eye.

Chapter 1: White bitches be crazy!

This is a disgusting, racist attitude which leads to the deaths of black men across this nation.

YES. A thousand times this. I’m an Oklahoman, and I can say with a fair amount of certainty that the families of the dead and injured wanted the game to go on. A big middle finger to all the people “jez-splainin’” how we need to be “respecting” the dead out of a horrible motor vehicle incident. Thank you but no thank