By your logic, rape and sexually assault should be on the rise, but it is actually going down, that’s even more impressive when you think of what the definition of rape was back in the 70s.
By your logic, rape and sexually assault should be on the rise, but it is actually going down, that’s even more impressive when you think of what the definition of rape was back in the 70s.
“Often”? Prove that one.
performing oral sex like porn stars
Truth hurts. I didn’t “dismiss” shit.
I want to, respectfully, push back. You say that the cheapening of sex has not been a positive thing for women, men, and children. Would you consider that it might not all have been negative, though? From a pure safety perspective, Rates of sexually violent crimes have been steadily declining over the past two…
There is so much politics around blow jobs. Every time someone wants to talk about how women are being screwed over by the patriarchy and missing out on what they want in bed, it’s the go-to reference. I’m forever left wondering what the hell is wrong with me if I enjoy doing it. I’m bi and I have pret-ty pret-ty…
I love how you talk about extremes when you categorize modern porn as just violent face fucking.
“There’s nothing positive about the ubiquity of pornography.”
Orgasms for viewers? However you think it stacks against the negatives, I’d say that’s something in the positive camp.
No, but porn is one of the reasons this kind of thinking is no longer as prevelent. Kids are introduced to sex at a much younger age, and it takes a lot of the mysticism out of it. We learn, very early on, that sex is something you can do just for fun, and that it’s completely normal to want to do so.
Sex is not just cheap, it’s free.
Cheapening sex is better than placing so much value on it that anyone who engages in it for pleasure is instantly shunned and ridiculed.
I’m sentimental about late 60s/early 70s Playboy.
It may surprise you but lots of men have that problem. If he just ignores all those questions he won’t have much content for these articles.
Many men, me included, get great pleasure from giving their partner pleasure. I can’t speak for every guy, but it makes me feelf good when I make other people happy. It feels a lot better and lasts a lot longer than the 5 sec orgasm from sex.
I have a great score in casual sex, I almost always get off and when not is always fun non the less. Although this has taken me years of practice and be very vocal when asking what I want.
You’re not weird. The fact all these college girls that are being interviewed seem to overwhelmingly be willing to fuck a succession of frat boys is their own damn fault and not indicative of shit except their inability to love themselves enough not to fuck guys who are showing them clearly that they won’t be giving…
Oh, whatever. I watching Ken Burns’ “Prohibition”, and some 80 year old playa was talking about random sex happening at her college, proclaiming it no big deal, literally EVERYONE was doing it, and that every generation thinks it invented sex.
I’m a woman hater for calling this murderous pos a ‘skank’? Do you believe that any rational man would call you a misandrist if the genders in this story had been reversed and YOU called the murderer any choice words? Look at any article here, where a man committs a crime against a woman and how he is portrayed and…
and yet the statutory rape* takes precedence over the murder conspiracy in your comment. That’s what I mean by ‘priorities’.
“ugh that 5a. is such a fucking pain in the ass for girls who never cheat. Guys can be such babies about it.”