And, as men like to say when there’s a discrimination lawsuit against a man, prove it. Innocent until proven guilty, right?
And, as men like to say when there’s a discrimination lawsuit against a man, prove it. Innocent until proven guilty, right?
I assume you were totally and completely fine with, say, Augusta National Golf Club refusing to have female members for so many years. And that is a private organization that receives no federal funding.
Unfortunately, unless they are providing men with men-only spaces, then it’s discriminatory.
I’m a sexist because I’m pointing out that IN GENERAL, men don’t give a damn about the wedding ceremony, or the process. They just want to get to the end of it, and start living as man and wife. If that means I’m sexist, then so be it. I didn’t know that rational thought was sexist, but in a world in which Lena Dunham…
You forget one major problem: IT’S WOMEN WHO WANT ALL THIS STUPID CRAP. You ask the typical guy, they don’t want to spring tens of thousands for the ring, ceremony, honeymoon, etc. A lot of women look at a wedding as their princess moment, the guy is merely a prop. Feminism, especially third wave is about equality…
Don’t get married. Keep all the money and all the sanity.
Is the actual act of putting a ring on someone to call them yours a sexist, outdated and downright insane remnant of a patriarchal society we are sorely trying to move past? You bet. Are you still going to go through with it? Well, yeah.
To add on to this, say things don’t work out and the engagement ends. Different states have different laws, and sometimes it depends on who ended the engagement, but in some cases you are legally entitled to get the ring back from her. Check your state’s laws to be sure.
No. Listen I’m a cop and plenty of people are “known to the police.” What exactly do you what us to do to everyone that we have ever dealt with? Seriously tell me how this can work. I have plenty of people I deal with repeatly whether mental illness or repeated assaults of some kind. Each time they are dealt with, and…
In the US we’re incredibly lenient on domestic violence period. It doesn’t matter if it’s Male on Female, Female on Male, Male on Male, or Female on Female.
If we're lucky these Olympics will kill the IOC. Not that it won't be replaced with something equally corrupt, but still... there are dozens of locations that can host the Olympics right now, and they are ignored because either a country wants the prestige of the games to overshadow their lousy human rights records or…
It makes sense because it actually, literally happened
wow way to erase all of the brave black, latino and asian people who fought against fascism not just for america but for other western countries too. read a history book.
It could stand more diversity but other wise it is pretty damn good.
I don’t know if it comforts you to hear that you aren’t alone. Silence and shame are very often the emotions we use to cope with terrible trauma such as this. Even writing this now was incredibly brave and I am sure reading these articles triggers some terrible feelings. I hope that you are able to find comfort.
It is entirely up to you who you tell and how much you talk about it. I just wanted to chime in that if you feel this is something an SO can never know b/c they wouldn’t believe you or would blame you for what happened, then that isn’t someone who should be significant in your life. I also understand why you wouldn’t…
My SOs certainly can never know.
Not oversharing love, just sharing. jinni is right, we all do here. I’ve been sexually assaulted numerous times. It’s too common, and I know how you feel, that sharing opens you up to judgement. But we’re all here any time. I’m sorry you’ve had those experiences. But you can share here. xoxo
I believe you, and if you need to talk to an internet stranger I’m here <3 it’s horrible that you have to deal with this but you are not alone I promise.
It took me more than 25 years ever to tell anyone about my repeated sexual abuse by a doctor from the time I was 11, let alone to admit to myself that it was abuse and there was no possible good reason for it. Or to stop thinking I was stupid for letting it happen. So I’m pretty sure I know how you feel. In the end,…