I’m not sure what you mean by most porn being done from a male view of sexuality. I think it’s been increazingly established that sexuality isn’t dichotomousbetween male and female, but fluid and existing along a continuum.
I’m not sure what you mean by most porn being done from a male view of sexuality. I think it’s been increazingly established that sexuality isn’t dichotomousbetween male and female, but fluid and existing along a continuum.
Often? What percentage exactly? And why can’t we support efforts to address such obviously illegal activity while maintaining the overwhelmong majority of entirely legal consent-based activity?
You said the cheapening of sex. And yes, exploring sexuality is related to both what you wrote and the article.
You’re conflating porn with sex, which is exactly what not to do.
The thing is, everyone is better in their 30s. Trust me, women are just as bad in their 20s as well. The sex is better all around later because people have learned from having bad sex. I’ve found women are more likely to contribute and communicate more in their 30s, which is critical to getting more enjoyment out of…
Yeah, like many things, you get what you put into it. If you’re just lying there expectingbthat someone owes you pleasure, it shouldn’t be a surprise when you’re not getting any.
Thank you. Absolutely well said. A big problem with this piece is simply equating orgasm with good sex. It’s most definitely not. Just because I have an orgasm doesn’t mean the sex was good or she was good at it. The worst is the feeling thst her presence bsrely made a differece because she never really did anything.
No, I don’t think that’s really it. Both people, men and women, need to step up their game. Men need to be less selfish and women need to actuallyput more effort in and not just expect they’re owed an orhasm for showing up.
I agree sex is better for everyone in a relationship, though I don’t think it has anything to do with evolutionary imperatives. It just goes back to the principle that sex is about mutual pleasure, which means both people have to figure out what works for the other person. In a relationship, that is more likely to…
Yeah. That’s what makes sex so special. One can orgasm alone, but to contribute to someone else’s pleasure, especially someone you care about? That’s where it’s at.
I nstead of recognizing that men and women do actually share many of the same experiences, providing common ground in which to relate, people like her often genderize those dame experiences because they can’t fathom that it works both ways.
If the GOP wants to ensure that every one of their candidates gets a tax payer-funded SS detail, maybe the party of “fiscal responsibility”shouldn’t put up 18 candidates.
Umm, it’s far from just the female leaders that want to have a female president. For one, it’s about fucking time we did. Secondly, it’s also pure politics. And at least when we look to female leaders in our party, we look for competent ones. WE weren’t the ones that put a vapid, word-vomitting machine on the ticket…
The irony of this post is incredible since all of your whining about dating reflects exactly what I’m saying. You blame all o f your dating problems on men, and not just the pour souls that you’ve dated, but men as a population. You consistently externalize blame.
Yep, which is exactly why I never reported what my ex did to me. There’s no support, from men or women, to be received. Other dudes will mock, and women will deny it’s even possible.
Meh, there is no way I could tell a girl that she’s a bad kisser, or bad in bed. Nothing good can come of it, because all that means is dealing with the bitter, blame-shifting umbrage that would ensue. There’s just no winning there because they do not take critiques on these types of things well.
There were plenty of neckbearded women there claiming that it’s perfectly fine for men to be raped. And where were the anti-rape folks shutting them down?
Ok, so what’s the excuse of the woman focsing the guy to perform oral sex on her?
It was the dude being violated.
Love how the same person who complained about others not being able to take criticism responds to your point with a petty gif.