
I’m getting to the point where I need a new car. I’m kind of heartbroken about it because my car is my ride or die and I’ve had it the entirety of my adulthood, but it’s getting expensive. I got the idea in my head that I should replace a super practical SUV with...a muscle car. I’m 28 and I don’t have kids and I know

The juror who defended the Wu-Tang Clan has me in tears. What a hero.

Absolute deal breaker, at least if you intend on having sex with that person and it’s possible for you to get pregnant and you might want an abortion. Like, why even put yourself in that position?

Ugh, I just really needed a win.

It’s pretty hard to give feedback about one side of a fight, but just on the point of interrupting in particular...if other people have politely brought it up to you as a problem and this person blew up about it and you acknowledge you do it, you should probably apologize and start working to stop that behavior.

I am in your exact situation but I’m 28. I’ve dated a string of losers for the past three years, nothing serious, no one I’m crazy about. I’m pretty concerned that I will be a legit cat lady forever and die alone because I’m on the conventionally attractive bell curve and guys are interested, but I’m not interested

Do it sooner rather than later, or come to terms with never having kids (which is also totally an option). This will become more malignant the longer you leave it unresolved. He sounds like he knows where you stand. Figure out where you stand; do you NEED kids? If you do, do they need to be biological? Do you need to

Jesus Tapdancing Christ.

My instantaneous first thought on see that headline was “if by stress you mean drugs, sure.”

I think you’re right to be suspicious. There are a lot of dads that I know, and none of them would ever speak about their child publicly like this.

That was my first thought, too. This reads like bad incest erotica.

I thought so too! That’s why I assumed he must have fixated on me, and was just wondering this whole time why he didn’t hear from the girl he talked to at the gym once...? It freaked me out for sure.

He’s not disgusting, he’s scary. He has a weird, tense, keyed up energy that doesn’t match his words and his face has a weird strain to it when he makes ostensibly friendly facial expressions when he speaks to me. That’s kind of the whole problem; I don’t have any problem telling people I’m not interested if I’m

So far, I felt like I didn’t really have the grounds to be direct. I’ve been waiting for more direct provocation than a weird tone of voice.

I don’t want to doxx myself, but there isn’t really a comparable gym in the entire state.

I also didn’t necessarily care to bring this up because intellectually I don’t think being “out of his league” is a real thing, but I am much more conventionally attractive than this guy is, which combined with his about-to-deploy freak out might be the impetus behind coming up with a fantasy to impose on me.

Most of the time I love talking to the people at the gym. Usually I just learn new stuff and make new friends and sometimes people hit on me and I’m either into it or not, but no one at this particular gym has ever creeped me out before even if I rejected them romantically. Until this guy :/

This is AMAZING.

I made the mistake of being polite and sociable. He had a weird air of desperation about him that I ignored. My guess would be that not many women indicate even the basic level of interest I did by listening to him.

He does give me the entitlement vibe plotting and following me out to the parking lot one day and strangling me because I didn’t give him the attention he wants, but just on principle I don’t want to give up a place I love because of some asshole.