
Actually, yes. I LOVE this gym. In addition to being really high-quality for climbing/yoga/weights, it’s also super feminist. Other than this one guy, no one has ever creeped on me when I had visible “don’t talk to me” face/earphones/etc going on. They have free tampons in the bathrooms. The women on staff are really

I go by myself and with buddies, but so far no one I’ve asked has really ever talked to him or noticed him. I’ve told my friends about him though and they are concerned, but honestly I am partly annoyed about the fact that I shouldn’t need a posse to not be creeped on at the gym. And there are some gym guys who I do

Ugh, I have been waiting for this! I am dealing with a gym creeper and I need some advice. About six months ago, a guy started talking to me at my gym. It’s a rock climbing gym, so it’s not weird for people to be social. He told me he was in the military and he was going on deployment for six months the next day. He

No, they’re not. They can’t negotiate a treaty, but they can certainly meet with world leaders and set the benchmark for themselves to meet a sef-imposed goal.

Don’t talk about liberals at all. Point to conservative groups and companies, including 1) the Department of Defense and 2) Exxon Fucking Mobile, that acknowledge the threat of climate change and wanted the US in the accord.

This fucking guy

I hope all future family annihilators are taking notes - this is how it should be done.

My family went to the student union to get ice cream during my graduation. YMMV. If I had kids, I would be more proud that they protested than participated in what is really a pretty hollow ceremony, considering final grades aren’t even released by graduation.

Obviously it’s not the end of the entire world, but it is the end of that person. And as far as “just” a chemical imbalance, where did I say that? It is a medical emergency that I think people should get help with ASAP. When did I “harangue” suicidal people??? This show ENFORCES that fantasy, it obviously isn’t

I come from a family that is riddled with people who threaten to/succeed in killing themselves on a regular basis. I don’t have any personal experience with suicidal depression, so take this for what it’s worth, but I thought the fact that the 13 reasons were all other people and not “and finally, as #13, I have a

Run. This degree of lies and obfuscation will only get worse. Pull yourself together for your own future sake and RUN AWAY.

I totally agree with you, I just didn’t know how to put it clearly. It’s not okay that OP has apparently imputed a single car jacking to all black people in her son’s life. It’s really not even okay that the race of the criminal is the focal point of what was upsetting about this crime. I am from a neighborhood with

I’m so glad you found her!!! I don’t know how you managed to not strangle your neighbor with your bare hands, so good job on that front. Who the fuck does that to a pet??

You know what I didn’t like about it? NONE of the 13 reasons was “a serious mental illness” or “a biochemical imbalance.” Blaming people (not even the rapist, who didn’t get the tapes! Just 13 other people!) as the root cause of suicide isn’t cool or accurate.

It has been my general suspicion that she has a lot of anxiety/depression or possibly self-esteem problems due to the way she sells herself short in many other areas of her life. For example, she was recently given a really big honor, and she kept saying she felt bad taking it because there are people who were more

Is there anything anyone could have said to make you see the relationship differently?

I was afraid that was the only possible move, but IT IS HARD to say “oh, how cute!” about how she has to remind him to pick up his socks so she can clean while he texts our other friend.

Friendship question: what do you do when your friend takes back a terrible boyfriend? I have a friend who is AMAZING, honestly. She had a boyfriend for three years who was beneath her - let her take care of him, was rude to her, was generally not ambitious and mooched off her successes despite contributing nothing to

I saw oral arguments today, and she was ON POINT. She’s fine.

I’m about to graduate from law school and I have already secured a post-bar job. I’m also the president of my school’s gay-straight alliance, which partners with the comparable organization in my local legal community. If he’s smart enough to get pretty good grades and he can be an effective networker, he will be