
I’m in a similar situation, but in your guy’s position. I started dating this guy in his early 30s (I’m in my late 20s) who is funny and interesting and we have a lot in common and he has an education and a good job, etc. He wants to buy a house this year. I’m finishing up graduate school in the next six months and

I have to go home to Arizona for Thanksgiving and thinking of facing my Trump supporting relatives is filling me with dread. I stopped responding to this guy I was dating because his friends are vocal Trump supporters and even if he isn’t, I can’t deal with the fact that he’s fine with that. How do I get past this?

He probably isn’t.

He didn’t want to follow me out of state for grad school. I was moving to a city that would stunt his career. So he moved for a better job and I moved for school. That’s it.

I don’t need to bail because we are nothing. Why would you assume I would let someone treat me like dirt? We broke up for neutral reasons and I was sad, I didn’t let anyone treat me badly.

We broke up to both pursue careers in different states. Now we’re each more established and he’s unhappy with his life, but mine is pretty awesome. You are all right, I just needed to hear it. So far he’s been sweet as pie but as a general rule, I only give guys one chance. This was just a special instance :/

You guys, does getting back together with an ex who broke your heart only to come crawling back ever work out well? I got my heart stomped a couple years ago by a guy I thought I was going to marry. Yesterday he called me to say that he realized I was the only source of real joy in his life. I should probably just run

Sometimes people don’t care what happens after they die. Mark Twain was like that; he didn’t want his autobiography read by anyone until he was long dead. Being private in life doesn’t make it impossible that he would want his fans to be able to see his home.

I failed out of med school once. It took an entire year, but it did get better. Telling everyone is the worst but it’s up from there. You’ll make it!

I feel like if I were imprisoned, the silver lining of that situation would be that I would no longer be subject to societal pressure to wear a bra. Or adhere to any beauty standard at all. Talk about the sprinkles on a shit sundae :/

Well, in my case the abuser was a beloved and respected family member who was immediately ostracized by everyone to the point that I literally didn’t know his name until I was an adult. So it worked out for me and I’m fine and normal and whatnot, mostly due to super strong support from grownups who could help me. I

I know it’s late, but as a person who suffered child abuse, it makes me see red to know that some people value protecting adult family members more than they value protecting innocent children. I can’t.

Maybe the dying person doesn’t want to have to spend the very end of their life, in a situation that is definitely all about them, spending their energy caring for others.

There is something in my eye.

Um...maybe the point was that she got to be in charge of all the details, and riding in a new luxury car was something she wanted to do?

I watched it for the first time in 2015; when I started, I figured it would be too old (and some stuff is not applicable, like the many situations a cell phone would have solved in the beginning but they didn’t exist yet) but it is shockingly applicable. Gay marriage, gun violence, terrorists detonating random bombs,

That sounds so hard. I have a brother who was like Big Foot as a teen and my parents struggled so hard (and, truthfully, they still do even though my brother is 25 now). There is so little support for parents in situations like yours, but I think it sounds like you’re handling it amazingly. You seem like you’re really

Agreed, I think that every time Bartlett talks about boys and his daughters.

That’s exactly how I watch it. I’m pretty sure CJ is my closest personal friend

I definitely already saw it; I have some thoughts, but what were your particular objections?