
Can we talk about the West Wing? I was too young to be into it when it was on air (I’m 27), but I’ve basically been watching it on repeat to escape this horrible election cycle. Are any of you troubled by how closely aligned political issues from 20 years ago are with issues today? It’s making me feel like we live in

I’m genuinely disappointed. I NEED an album written by John Legend and Common for BritBrit. I NEED IT

For what it’s worth (not much, I guess, since just one photo like this is on the internet forever), I think that most people who are in conventionally great shape feel super supportive of anyone who makes it into a gym. I know at least for me personally, I actually lost about 50 pounds and I know what that fear feels

I love that she thinks that if we just knew it was only meant to be a private joke, that would be fine. Yes, totally cool, just take photos of someone from your hiding spot when they think they have privacy and send it out to others to judge their long as it was just to make fun of them, it’s fine????

Thanks, I was actually feeling that way too. I could have pushed my friends to go, but it’s my very, very favorite thing ever and I don’t want to have to talk to anyone or like calm myself down to fit in with my not as excited crew. You cheered me up!

Hey Jezzies! I need some wisdom from those of you who work out a lot/otherwise do things that make your hair sweaty. How do you deal with hair care? I work out like 4-6 times a week and get gross every time, but washing my hair every time I get sweaty is ruining my dye job and just generally messing with my hair. It’s

I don’t have any recommendations but I do really need some new stuff to binge watch, so I’m seconding your request.

I have absolutely no idea, but if he has a brother, send him my way.

You’re right...but some children grow up to be like my brother, who is a drug addict and a black drain on my parents’ financial and emotional health. Sometimes problems get worse as kids grow up.


SO soft. Bengals don’t have barbed hair so they’re silky.

He is a bengal! If I try to move before he is quite through with his nap, he yowls angrily at me until I stop moving and puts himself back to bed. I’m basically his bitch and it’s been one day.

You guys! My kitten came home! I love him desperately already. I opened my facebook and the first thing I saw was an essay by a blogger I followed who had to put her dog down. So now my heart is already broken. I actually don’t really like cats and I LOVE dogs, so I thought if I had a cat I wouldn’t get that attached.

Unpopular opinion: I think calling child services was the right choice. I have a relative with a similar IQ who was the single parent of his daughter, and she turned out alive...but not great. She did not have the kind of advocate a child with a typically-abled parent would. Kids need more than to be fed, clothed, and

It’s totally understandable and nice of you to not be worked up about it. My personality is such that I just can’t deal with being taken advantage of in any way, and I would be angry that someone felt like the ways they treated me badly in the past would make a good subject for a joke.

You need a new vet. I used to have a dog I loved DESPERATELY (he died a couple years ago at an insanely old age) and would do anything for. Once, I thought he had an eye infection, but it turned out he had a tooth that was broken that I couldn’t see that was infected that was basically causing excruciating pain all up

Personally I would be too angry to be friends with someone who was aware of that relationship dynamic and was willing to let it stand. How rude.

I actually don’t have him yet! I imagine I will give way fewer fucks about stupid boys when I can kiss his fat little cheekies.

That is my exact situation; I can get all the dick I could ever want...but I don’t like the guys the dicks are attached to and they seem to not be that into me (excepting, of course, being interested in banging). I really don’t even know how to fix it.

nooooooooo. Have you thought about getting pet insurance for her before you have a real diagnosis?