
Jezzies, do any of you have solutions to a late-20s dating slump? I am feeling so apathetic about putting in dating effort, and I just keep meeting d-bag after d-bag, and I just got a cat and now I am scared I will be an actual cat lady who can’t connect to other people and dies alone. Help.

I don’t have an answer for you, but I’m 26 and this weekend my girlfriends and I have been commiserating about recent breakups and I literally just got a cat and I am very concerned that I am going to be alone for the rest of my life and my body will only be discovered when it starts to rot. So. I’m very interested in

I have one and I love it...but the idea that I should just take it out in a porta-potty, wipe it off with disgusting porta-potty toilet paper and put it back in without washing my hands IN A PORTA-POTTY makes me want to barf. No. nononononononono.


What makes it so easy? The triangle shape? My cat will be big eventually (15 pounds-ish) and I want him able to fit his entire cat butt in the box.

Fortunately the woman who owns his mama only uses covered boxes (I’ve been over to play a ton and checked out her set-up) so hopefully my little booboo will just be used to that already. I live in a 600sf apartment with a weirdly large bathroom so I basically have a spot for one litter box and one litter box only, but

My guy is a little baby so I am hoping I get more of a vote in swaying his opinions...? Or do cats just always have their own opinions forever and it’s not an issue of getting used to something?

It is! Thank you, I love him SO much.

Your step-by-step instructions are my new favorite thing. Thank you!

So like do you use flushable litter? Or do you throw it away? How do you make the cat poop not be in your apartment anymore?

I am so excited she came out of her box!! Congratulations!

My new kitten comes home soon! Here he is playing with his brother and sister.

That is a great suggestion, thank you! I have been looking at self-cleaning ones but they’re so expensive and for every great review there is a terrible one but I didn’t want to have to take the trash out several times a day. I have actually been wondering if there is a diaper genie for cats, and now I feel dumb.

Okay cat people, I am sorry about nattering on about this constantly but I have more questions. I’ve never had a cat before but my very first kitten comes home in two weeks. What is up with litter boxes? Do any of you have self-cleaning litter boxes? Is your entire apartment gross? Help :/ the whole litter box thing

Congratulations on being cool enough to have copycats!

Don’t get discouraged, putting on muscle is S L O W and even slower if you eat not enough protein/low calories. Make sure you’re eating to gain muscle, then cut away the fat afterward (bulk/shred).

I actually wanted one for that exact reason! I am a total dog person but I live in a high rise in a downtown, so I’m glad it holds true. My little booboo is actually seal mink, but the breeder I got him from also has a GORGEOUS silver mama. Behold: she’s the last one on the page.

You are correct, he is very fancy. He’s a *big breath* spotted seal mink snow Bengal. His parents are some super fancy champion cats; I didn’t even know that was actually a thing, but there are cat shows like the Westminster dog show apparently. I don’t care about any of that but everyone I love is allergic to kitties

Very helpful! I will keep that in mind.

Look, Jezzies! Baby kitten update!