
He can’t come home until he’s 10ish weeks old.

Reject name: Spike. Honestly, he seemed more like a Bill...but my boyfriend was like “no.” So. Back to the drawing board.

Oh sweet jesus what is the awful poop stage?!

I KNOW it kills me

He doesn’t have a name but I am open to suggestions! I had a name picked out but when I met him it was all wrong.

Jezzies I pulled the trigger on operation: baby kitten! He is the one getting pushed away by his brother. I am SO EXCITED! He can come home Valentine’s Day week and I am nervous. I’ve never had a cat before! I’ve never even had a pet before. I did a lot of research and I feel prepared, but what if I regret it? What if seems like you are implying your mom killed three baby rabbits, which...why would someone do that and then blithely tell their child that?

“You’re different; I love you.”

If he stands by it and didn’t say sorry for not clearing his kink with you first, tell him to bounce. He’s rude, if nothing else.

I am sure he appreciated your dedication to dental hygiene.

I HAVE THE ANSWER! I have suffered under the plague of cystic, whole body acne - painful, disgusting, etc. for YEARS and it didn’t start until my 20s. The answer was spironolactone. Ask your doctor about it. Phenomenally effective.

Forcing a kink is bullshit. It’s fine to make sex all about one person sometimes, but it seems pretty inappropriate for the very first time if you don’t discuss it first. Because it’s a sensitive topic is exactly why you should bring it up with your partner BEFORE sex to make sure they’re comfortable.

I know it can be an imbalance of power and it’s gross for that reason, but I found myself in a situation recently where I was the person saying my boyfriend “let” me do something. I have super long hair, and I was getting it trimmed and I said “my boyfriend won’t let me cut it super short.” My Stylist felt the way you

Oh my god jezzies, I humiliated myself. Behold my tale of woe:

But then what you are saying is that hormones define your gender, right? So are menopausal women still women? Are women who produce a lot of testosterone men?

Um...what? Pick one out of a random pair of choices that you made up? Since when is it a parent’s job to control a minor child’s life? Or have you not ever heard of how shitty “helicopter parenting” is?

Can you not see the irony in declaring simultaneously that you don’t know what is going on and that your perspective is right and mine is wrong?

I have a mom like this mom. Your premise is wrong; you’re assuming they’re equals. They aren’t. This mom doesn’t give things to her child, she forced her daughter to earn them under threat of withdrawal of money and affection. Right now the daughter has just become an adult; prior to that, and for the vast majority of

I had a lot of other rad people who I wasn’t related to. I think that’s pretty much the only way.

You obviously have no concept of what it feels like when a parent views their parental duties as a transaction wherein you are giving your child advantages in exchange for things like affection or control over their behavior. I’m really glad for you, and I get why from your position this daughter seems like a brat.