
One time my college-age brother, who is bipolar but refuses to be medicated, felt that Thanksgiving was an appropriate time to hold himself hostage with a gun to his head in the back yard, demanding that our dad give him money (more than he already was) to buy drugs. So then the cops came and he was forcibly strapped

ETA: get out of here, trolls.

Some lessons you just have to learn through experience, no matter how many people tell you easier options. I have a science background, and what helps me when I’ve been in situations like yours (never as severe, but where someone was an ass and I miss them SO MUCH and feel like physical need for their presence) is

Jezzies, I got backed into an ideological corner this week and I couldn’t figure out how to get out of it. I wished at the time that I had you guys to help me. I was arguing with someone over whether someone we know who a pre-op male to female transsexual was a woman or not. Of course she is, I said; just because she

Believe me, the confrontational approach DOES NOT work. Whatever kind of conservative rage he’s running on is way more powerful than any assertiveness I could muster.

The worst part is my mom. I have no problem drawing boundaries and just simply not engaging with him. Many, many other people in our lives have stopped as well because the vitriol that you can feel radiating off him when he starts talking about whores using his tax money on birth control so they can murder babies or

He’s always been a republican but he’s only gone full Fox News since he’s gotten somewhat older. My best guess is that it is a response to the knowledge that his species of comfortably wealthy late middle aged white guy is on the endangered species list.

Happy Saturday Jezzies! Sorry this is long. I have been waiting for this for so long; I missed last week and I need to express myself ( I would ask for advice, but I don’t think any really exists). I’m a law student and last week my school had a lockdown because there was a sniper in a building nearby who was shooting

Is this a joke? I was told that anyone who pays to get a PhD is a chump. I’m pretty sure PhDs who don’t pay for school are fairly common.

Also, 2 cats vs. 1 cat: I know cats get lonely, but I’m home basically all the time. Will one kitten be okay if I don’t get a second one until such time that I’m away from home more (I have 1.5 years left of school, and planned to get a second then). I figured I would learn how to cat with one to start with. Is it a

I am so excited Jezzies! I decided to pull the trigger on getting a kitten. I’ve never had a cat before and I’m kind of nervous about doing a good job taking care of it. I’ve had dogs, but how do I cat? What do kittens like to play with? How likely is it that I could train one to use a toilet? Give me your best cat

*Pushes glasses up nose* It is a very complicated problem. For starters, there are more than 70 different kinds of dementia. Dementia is like a cough; a cough might be a sign you swallowed a bug, or a sign you have the flu, or a sign you have fatal cancer. And until 2013, AD had NEVER been diagnosed in a living person basically makes no difference. When Aricept works AMAZINGLY well, all it does is slow decline a little bit for a couple years. You could try namenda and bapineuzumab, but all three of those do more or less the same thing (and none work particularly well). If I had a personal favorite experimental

I spent six years doing Alzheimer’s-focused neuro research, most of which focused on drug efficacy, and I’ve gotten to see tons of people in your exact situation so first things first, you aren’t alone by any stretch (even though caregiving can get SO lonely). I have some tips which you should obviously feel free to

I was thin up until my late teens, put on a ton of creeping weight in college/my early 20s, and have spent my mid-20s getting it back off again. I’m finally almost back to the shape I feel most confident in, thank god. Honestly, one day I just got sick of it. It took A LONG TIME to see results. Like, one pound a week

I am so relieved it is finally Saturday! I missed last week and I need your stories, Jezzies. I posted a couple weeks ago about needing stories of people who fell in love and had families when they were older than in their 20s. They cheered me up briefly but I’ve seen too many couples costumes this weekend and now I

I CANNOT believe the John Wayne Gacy story didn’t make it.

In my state, there is a reasonable person standard. If a reasonable person would have acted to ensure a small child alone didn’t endanger himself and the employees didn’t do that, they are on the hook. Step one of reasonably dealing with a solitary kid: look for a parent, see who is watching out for the kid.

Read some Dan Savage stuff on the topic. Having a discrete affair with someone in a similar position could allow you to keep your family and have a sexual outlet. But your husband’s unwillingness to care how upset you are seems like a much bigger problem, and an affair won’t fix that.

Okay Jezzies, I want to hear your tales about thinking you were going to be a spinster and then finding an amazing dude. I’m 26 and I am feeling like I will never be in love again and it’s getting me down. Intellectually I understand that is ridiculous and I am too young to start collecting cats. As far as I can tell,