
Funny, I feel the exact same way about the second amendment.

I don’t have an answer. I’m 26 and cute and get hit on all the time, but not by anyone I want as a permanent part of my life. Or even by anyone I want to spend the night that I’ll have to see in the morning. I totally have the feeling that I will be alone unless I MAJORLY settle. It sucks :\

...You want to euthanize a perfectly healthy dog for no reason other than the fact that no one you are biologically related to want it?

Your friends don’t like him but they are doing you the kindness of not mentioning it or making a scene, so they probably aren’t having selfish feelings like jealousy. Personally, if your lifelong friends don’t like your boyfriend because of behavior that even you admit is bad and troubling, you might want to take

I will, but I’d love to not have cystic acne and all the period-related cramps and whatnot :/

I am going to have sex no matter what. I apparently didn’t make clear what the problem is. The blood isn’t the issue; the cystic acne, mood swings, bloat and cramps are the issue. My periods are terrible :(

Oh, jezzies, I need help. I am in a stressful school program and I made plans to go visit a special man friend in my home city for thanksgiving. I am SO excited. Fancy undergarments are to be worn. But to my horror I looked at my period tracker and I’m supposed to get my period EXACTLY over the dates of my visit. I

Girl. Think about what you are saying. You voluntarily are foregoing having your needs met because your boyfriend doesn’t like you being “right” (which, if you’re right more than him, maybe he should just step up his personal game) and so now NO ONE’S needs are being met. Instead of you keeping quiet, tell him to

My jaw literally dropped while reading that. Wow.

Have you tried “Dad, shut the fuck up about my body and my appearance”?

You let her know that you’ll be there to help her if she ever decides to break up with him, even if you haven’t talked in a while or whatever.

Are you serious right now? As I’ve explained twice already upthread, you missed the point. The “blah blah” was the clue that I think attaching morality to drug use is fucking stupid.

Yeah my entire point was that shaming people and conflating drug use with morality is not helpful. That was the whole reason my comment exists.

Uh...I obviously don’t think it is. The “blah blah” was the clue.

We would get so much further if we could treat chemical dependence as the physical health problem that it is. Yes, it’s a moral failing to take pills or heroin or meth or whatever that first time, you suck, blah blah, but after that it would be great if people weren’t shamed out of seeking help.


It depends what you like; I lived in Scottsdale for 10 years and it seems like vacationers come to hike, camp, golf, and go to spas. The spas are excellent, you could check out camelback mountain. Phoenix is a boring place to live though and not an ideal day trip spot in my personal opinion.

I think he does; I think he is purposely not being direct precisely because it prevents me from shutting him down. I just don’t know how to get out of limbo without ruining any potential friendship.

No, but full disclosure...I definitely had sex after I found out, too. I was having a weird life patch.

YES. And he would get insulted when I said that being reminded of maternal love turned me off, so I was not turned on by his ass.