
That opening line is perfect. That is some legit good advice!

This is not a problem that gets better as relationships age. Would he be open to an open relationship? Would you? If you aren’t fine with not having that much sex/knowing someone is only having sex out of obligation, I would cut my losses.

Yeah, she is definitely not your friend. And she apparently thinks you are really dumb if you know how much she charges for babysitting. I have no kids and no friends with kids, but even I know that infant care is WAY more expensive than kid care. You should tell her to take her facebook passive aggression and kick

I have about 15 hours’ worth of tattoos, and if you take a painkiller/some weed beforehand what you’re describing would be no big deal. That sounds like it would take less than 15 minutes and depending on where it is (avoid your stomach and any bones or very muscular/low fat areas) it really won’t be a huge deal. My

I have a similar need to transition from fancy to casual; I don’t know if you have a car, but you wouldn’t believe how much a rather plain tanktop/sleeveless shirt can be dressed up or down by adding a blazer and a strand of pearls. I just keep both in mine when I need to be casual and before I go into court I slap

I definitely have had gentleman callers who I did actually take home who I still have residual soul-burning shame about. For example, a super duper hot hipster chef (huge amount of tattoos and piercings included) who was 30, still lived with roommates, slept on the world’s grossest mattress on the floor, who was a

Good evening, Jezzies! I played soccer for the first time in 20 years yesterday. I work out all the time and I thought I was an athlete, but I’m not. I’m pretty sure my lower body is going to fall off.

Oh my god.

Well, usually when we see each other it’s the type of situation where we are staying at the other person’s house. I could still do it, of course, but I do not think my mom would respond to that in what I would call a friendly manner :/

That’s what gets me; although in my particular case I’m in the dead center of the “healthy” BMI range (for whatever that’s worth) so I don’t take her comments personally, we do have many beloved relatives who are anywhere from overweight to severely obese. I find them annoying, but I don’t even understand how she can

Happy Saturday, Jezzies! I need some help. My mom and I live in different states, so we don’t see each other super often. She came to visit for two days this week and she absolutely could not stop talking about fatness, weight, food, calories, my body, other women’s bodies, etc. I’m on team HAES, but personally I’m

I am truly overjoyed by this information!

I don’t have any actual advice except to keep doing what you’re doing (and maybe make sure your husband is getting a break, too). It sucks when one of your parental figures is a total narcissist, but it seems like you’ve figured that out and you’re taking care of yourself. It’s on your husband to take care of himself

I think you’ve misunderstood why I included information about my hard science background; it’s not because I think liberal arts are dumb or easy, it’s because I wanted to put a stop to “law school is a stupid idea” replies before they happened. I’m sure highly educated people in the liberal arts worked really hard to

Happy Saturday Jezzies! Last week you guys were so helpful - I ended up going out and getting my septum pierced because so many of you told me not to be a chicken, and you all were right. And it didn’t hurt and I LOVE IT. I’m in law school (I know, I know, but I am patent bar eligible with a hard bioscience degree so

My periods have always been relatively light and getting a copper IUD didn’t make them particularly worse. I just don’t love taking hormones when it can be avoided.

Guys I forgot to mention that my hair is 3A curly. Does that change the super short hair advice? Is there any way my hair won’t look like Tina Fey’s wig in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt?

I’ve had a copper IUD for 4 years, and you can pry it out of my cold, dead hands. I LOVE IT. I am also aware mine is there sometimes; it foreshadows my period by giving off cramping a couple days ahead of day 1. I count it as a feature personally, not a bug. Plus I like knowing it’s definitely still in.

Oh my goodness Jezzies, I have been waiting for this all week! I need some advice.

Fortunately for me, I can fit into a niche market of science nerd patent lawyers. Always in demand!