Okay well nbd, I will just leave law school and go live in the wilderness to personally be his new mom. It’s fine. We can fix this. And we won’t have to feel this feeling about how shitty human kind is anymore.
Okay well nbd, I will just leave law school and go live in the wilderness to personally be his new mom. It’s fine. We can fix this. And we won’t have to feel this feeling about how shitty human kind is anymore.
Exactly! Even if he failed, his kids would know that he tried. That he cared, even if his efforts weren’t perfect. Just doing nothing and then calling out your kids for also doing nothing is unacceptable.
My mom does this too, and it’s bullshit. Yes, the way the telephone works goes both ways, but parent-child relationships do not. And definitely not when a parent is bullshit for a person’s entire life as a minor. You can’t just put your kid on ice until they turn 18 and say “well, you’re an adult now, act like one…
Here’s the thing about being the child of a parent who abandons you, and then subsequently the child of a loving stepparent: IT’S NOT THE KID’S FAULT THAT YOU LEFT AND SOMEONE ELSE WANTED TO LOVE THEM. My own mother is super bitter about the acknowledgment my stepmother gets on Mother’s Day, but you know what? If you…
Frankly, I’m too scared to talk to him about it.
Hahaha that is not encouraging, but it actually did cheer me up about not being able to date him. So thanks.
You guys, I am having man troubles. I had a near-miss with a guy I had amazing, amazing chemistry with. I met him five months before I knew I was moving out of state to go to school. That was more than a year ago, and we’ve talked every day since. I go back and forth between thinking that was pointless and trying to…
Oh booboo, your little boy isn’t in the cemetery. He’s in the sun and the stars and in everything that brings you comfort and joy. However you need to take care of yourself today is the right thing to do. When I’m sad about people who I love who are dead, I think about my favorite law of physics: energy is neither…
You’re right, there is only data for men because they were studying the Y chromosome specifically.
In this particular case it really is actually only men for which there is data; the Y chromosome was the genetic marker being traced.
It's because he didn't disclose right from the start; he made his attraction to men a secret from his partner. That happened to me, and I freaked out. It makes it seem like he is in the closet and just lying to himself and you (or at least that's how it felt to me) when your partner hides their sexuality from you or…
You are your husband were childhood sweethearts. You are comparing yourselves to an adult predator and a child rape victim. It is not even remotely comparable.
The only thing I swallowed was bullshit, fortunately for my pride.
NOT EVEN THAT HOT! Below my usual standard of attractiveness! He was just so damn persistent and charming.
Hopefully it will eventually turn into a story about how he is a bum with arrest warrants in multiple states and what a bullet I dodged...but right now it's just a story about my tiny brain's inability to control my vagina :(
Silver lining!!!!!!
I actually thought about clarifying that point, but was too depressed by the thought that I might need to to actually do it. But nothing rapey happened, he was just really slick and misleading about his intentions and usually I can see through that, but this time I couldn't.
You guys I had a regrettable sexual encounter. I swallowed 100% of this dude's bullshit. I am sad now! I am usually better than that. Tips for forgetting it ever happened/that I was so dumb?
I got rid of mine by giving up dairy after even accutane failed :(
But he killed someone, so too bad.