
The funny part about “White Privilege” is, most of the racist assholes who spend their all their free time online raging about “The Blacks” are so stupid, they couldn’t figure out how to make it work for them.

The wildest thing about this whole situation is the fact that the republicans are still all in on Quid Pro Ho and they’ll likely be rewarded with re-election in November. All because White people refuse to swerve the car back onto the road.

I said it last week on the Murkowski post, I’ll repeat it here:

Do you think I would do something where I would endanger my people?

Hard to believe that anyone could look at the past term and not comprehend that voting for the lesser evil is a far better option than not voting at all.

I’ll admit they went overboard on the holiday tie-ins.  It’s Arbor Day, Charlie Brown and Flashbeagle are two of the more ridiculous ones that spring to mind. But The Christmas Special is just that. Special.

I feel like we have a slim hope with the 2020 election.

You know what happens when They Go Low and We Go High?
God I am so fucking tired of hearing the word “shame” all the fucking time like it actually means something or will actually have some sort of effect on these monsters. They have no shame and don’t even understand the concept.

My favorite movie of all time. It should always be considered a classic. Olympia Dukakis’s character is what I hope to grow into as I age into old Italian woman territory. “Cosmo, I just want you to know you’re gonna die, just like everybody else.”

Because the city of Pittsburgh is a large place that contains many non-steel plants, while the entire purpose of a plantation was to exploit slave labor. Maybe you could work a bit harder on your wild false dichotomies?

Peloton also forwarded along a message written by a woman who saw the ad and wanted to let the company know that its bike “became her sister-in-law’s ‘saving grace’ after she was diagnosed with breast cancer and couldn’t work out at a gym.”

Or just get a stationary bike and watch the Doctor Who serial “The Curse of Peladon,” one of the best third doctor stories! 

Cosby stated that he believes he’s in the right place at the right time...

What doesn’t get discussed enough is that Cosby could have had so many women. He wouldn’t even have had to pay them. There would be so many women who would have loved to have been with Him. 

Bill, it’s time for you to shut the entire fuck up forever, serve your time and go away. You’ve had 50 years of drugging and raping and whatnot and by all accounts, we may never -ever- know how many women you violated, given that surely some of them passed on before you were called into account.

I fucking love this answer. More goofy answers to this stupid-ass question, please.

YES.   It’s so good

It feels naive now, but at the time I was genuinely shocked that so many people that I knew truly didn’t care about Trump’s remarks.