
I’m always baffled by many of these anti-Trump Republicans’ claims that they support his policies but just can’t stand the man himself. So you (hypothetical Republican) are totally cool with throwing brown kids in tent prisons and depriving 800,000+ people of paychecks for weeks, but just not how it was implemented?

He should go jump off a himself.

Oh look, another asshole begging for forgiveness. Go fuck yourself, Cliff.

Perhaps the simultaneously most and least-surprising part of the film is how quickly the concert goers turned on each other.

That has what to do with economic policy?

You’ve totally backed away from your ‘either side can end the shutdown’ argument, but I’ll bite. The shutdown is creating havoc for the 800,000 workers not getting paid and will soon create more misery for the people who depend on those services, as emergency measures can no longer paper over the lapses in funding.

Why even wait for additional footage? You always believed these little chuds did nothing wrong, and nothing will convince you otherwise. Your last three sentences are just textbook projection- like Laura said, believe your damn eyes. A huge group of rich, oblivious kids doing tomahawk chops and mockingly chanting India

totally agree with the parental angle. that’s what i saw too: a bunch of prick kids who were raised by maniacal trump supporters and forced to go on a pro-life march because that’s all they know. apparently no adult was around to keep these little fuckers in line. 

I like the way Stephen Colbert put it:

A group of entitled teens goes on a mission to spread their gospel of hate. I really need to know whether they were harassed by someone before spewing hate, or they were rudely interrupted in their attempt to spew hate by a band of people singing and playing drums before I can pass judgment. 

“Blessed are the cheese makers”?

And yet again, the single most appropriate quote imaginable:

Yes, Dems can end the shutdown by caving to a hostage taker to make a destructive policy proposal a destructive reality, in exchange for nothing but the release of hostages (setting a precedent of rewarding hostage taking) despite the fact that he said the shutdown wasn’t the Dems fault on live TV and America agrees.

I totally agree that Pence, who lies to cover up injustice, who’s smug moral superiority manifests in oppressing innocent people, is the opposite of what Christ taught. But on the other hand, he’s the best example of what it is to be a white fundie evangelical Christian in America. He’s the perfect embodiment of every

Well there is a scene that really exposed them imo where they are interviewing influencers and they each (separately interviewed) mention their “brand” then when asked what they mean by their brand list the exact same buzzwords.

That was close, but my favorite was the part where the onsite team turned on each other because only one of them could have released pictures of the site (where 200+ unpaid locals were working, but clearly it didn’t occur to anyone that angry locals were capable of internetting, wonder why).

I preferred the Hulu version, it felt like since the Fuck Jerry team were participating more closely in the Netflix one that they were trying to diminish their participation in the events which happened. When if you were to follow the Hulu version that isn’t so.

Your winnings, sir.”

“Hey, the only thing I promised anyone with the festival is that they’d be Livin It Up! None of the amenities made it to the island, but I was Always On Time! Anything that went right that week, Put It On Me!” 

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