
This is wonderful, but damn it’s been four days and I still feel like I lost a friend...and I never even met the man.

How can I be civil towards an entire party whose whole platform is based on dehumanization of women, racial minorities, gender/sexual/romantic minorities, immigrants, non-white Americans, non-Americans, and the non-rish? Asking to be civil towards people who want me to not exist is having me beg to live. No. Fuck the

YES, the lowest level of depression physically embodies itself. It can make you physically ill. Physically in pain. Physically unable to get out of bed and care for your loved ones, while you lie there and hate yourself for your inability to do it.

People with children are not allowed to have crippling depression. Got it. Thanks for that. I’ll keep it in mind.

You didn’t attend her funeral? So as you say this was a women who you knew since you were toddlers. I assume that means you were pretty good friends. Instead of being there for those two children when they probably need people the most you got on your high horse and road away.

Man, it’s like a huge part of my youth just fucking blinked out.

If you’re reading this then you probably know already, but just in case, everybody who hasn’t read Kitchen Confidential or A Cook’s Tour should get on it. The man was a gifted writer and not only able to communicate the flavours of the meals he ate, but also the sense of place and the vibe of those meals in a way that

But if he was really diagnosed with mental illness, would he not have brought that up to the judge? Why would he rely on fake excuses if he had a real one? This guy is just straight up lazy and entitled. His parents are partly to blame, but now that he is an adult so is he.

Mark Brendanawicz

I missed out on Parks and Rec during its initial run, because I don’t watch much television and who cares? So, for one reason or another, I started watching it on Netflix recently, and have now worked my way through the fifth season. I find it delightful, and I am dumb for having not watched it sooner. I’m a big

No, “loser” is not Trump-speak. It was around well before anyone was listening to him.

NPR’s story has so many great details.  I like the part where the judge tries to give him a compliment and he dismisses it.

One of the lines that stuck out to me from Bill Clinton’s DNC address was when he said he wanted a candidate who had the good sense to marry Michelle Obama.


I get what you’re saying, but I think acting like people being outraged on the internet is a huge problem for Bateman is disingenuous.

I felt like Ms. Walter was under a tremendous amount of pressure to “forgive” Tambor, especially in light of how the men in the room were 100% behind him and ignored her pain. My interpretation was Ms. Walter did what she had to do to move on and keep the peace, an action with which women are too frequently tasked.

Love that Bateman’s apology is that he should’ve said lots of different things. You should’ve said fucking nothing, Jason! No one was talking to you! Maybe let the woman who got screamed at talk about her fucking experiences? Hmm?

Will Arnett at least wasn’t actively a dick but he could’ve told Bateman to shut it.

Bad and lazy take. Listen to the audio. Jessica Walter explains through tears that Tambor verbally harassed her to an extent no one else had in 60 YEARS on the job, and Bateman and the other guys talk over her about how it actually is understandable because acting is “such a weird job,” the creative process, etc.

And razors. Loose razors. But I shred anything with my name or address on it, too.