
He also neglects to mention more people are likely to start their own businesses or take on better jobs if they’re free of the burden of working a job they hate solely for the health insurance. Single-payer allows for more entrepreneurship.

The most satisfying ep from the second season was the one where Sam just walked out the door while the kids were crapping all over her, and when they whined how overdramatic she was being, Rich and Sunny essentially called the kids shitty for making their mother cry. It seemed they had no clue how awful they sounded

That was a delightful story!

I love how she so very articulately and neatly cuts the legs out from under Lasseter’s apologists and enablers. I would have loved to see their faces reading her letter and then their babbling attempts to answer her excellent points.

The one thing I did not expect was a peaceful ending. I enjoyed the ambiguity, that Hayes never asked the woman in Greenland whether she was Julie. Maybe his memory really failed him, or I like to think he had a moment of clarity and then chose not to ask, because he knew asking would blow her life apart once again.

As someone who just recently moved to Maine, I’ve noticed no one bothers to stock up before storms because the usual routine here is to wait til the snow stops and then just strap on your skis so you can get to the bar (which always reopens right when the snow stops). The toilet paper is truly the only thing you need

It’s always worse when the excuse is, “That’s not me! I’m not a person who says things like that!”

What are they complaining about? The GOP still left them enough after taxes to buy bootstraps. Isn’t that all they’d need to retrieve those millions? I mean, that’s the lesson they’ve been giving the poor for years to rationalize cutting apart the social safety net.

The single best line I can think of that sums up modern-day Christianity comes from Hannah and her Sisters, where the grumpy artist, after spending an evening watching religious talk shows, says, “If Jesus Christ came back today and saw what was being done in His name, He’d never stop throwing up.”

I haven’t seen it because I don’t have Hulu but if you tell me a ‘social media influencer’ (a phrase that makes me barf because I’m almost 50 and I’m preternaturally grumpy) comes off really terribly then I’ll spring for the subscription. My schadenfreude is not yet satisfied.

I don’t have Hulu so I haven’t seen that one but I’m seriously thinking of just getting the free one-month trial just to watch it. I was amazed there weren’t more injuries, considering how much day drinking there was.

Especially when they go uncompensated for hours of labor for weeks at a time. Can’t imagine why they’d take revenge photos.

My favorite part of the Netflix doc (besides the concert promoter in the nice crewneck sweater describing how he came thisclose to giving a stranger a blowie to get drinking water, because c’mon, how is that NOT everyone’s jaw-dropping favorite moment?) was during the company post-mortem when someone said they’d

‘Entertainment editor at Architectural Digest’ sounds like Patsy Stone’s job.

I would absolutely read a memoir of your days as a Vegas chef.

Caity’s and Rich’s restaurant reviews were the wedge I used to lure my husband into Gawker (RIP). Even today, when we go to a new restaurant, we look around and ask each other, ‘Is this a good place to bring a doll?’

Really, no context? Last time I checked it (which was awhile ago, I have to say), each entry had the context in which the offending thing was said or done - and quite a few were flagged for things that wouldn’t bother me but I guess they were being thorough. 

Sigh. Every day I feel someone needs to resurrect that Tumblr ‘Your Fave is Problematic.’

Or just Paul Rudd anyway. Everyone loves Paul Rudd! I’d probably be more likely to watch if they actually did hire Paul Rudd.

Graham is totally the unsung MVP for me. I feel like he’s saying everything I would say if I were a companion, from the “aren’t we ever going to eat?” line in the Rosa Parks episode, to the “so the creature is somewhere in the water so maybe we shouldn’t be standing in it” comment in last night’s episode.