
Man, I hope he DOES try to sue. Imagine his argument before a judge. He would not be able to just sit still and let the lawyers talk, he’d leap up and insist on making his own argument about how he’s the greatest ever and it’s totally ILLEGAL to make fun of the greatest person who ever breathed air.

He thinks being president means he’s king. And no one makes fun of the king.

I bet good money he thought it was OK to shit on Obama because the man is black and that’s legal.

When I worked in Tuscaloosa Alabama, the guys at the Bryant football museum told me they constantly got phone calls from people wanting to know when Forrest Gump was a student there.

Oh god, how true that is. Obama is the first 4 seasons of The West Wing.

I have maintained for the last 2 years that at heart, Trump literally does not know the difference between being president and king. He went into this thinking all the trappings of government exist to do his bidding and now we’re all the victims of his impotent rage that he cannot bend every branch of government to

And now more of the students he coached are speaking up about the abuse they took when they were kids under him:

I thought they’d already done this and it was called The Handmaid’s Tale.

Someone on the NY magazine article speculated that probably none of these idiots are immigrants because an immigrant would be far more aware of the rights he or she earned by becoming a citizen. 

JFC. Australia automatically registers you to vote when you turn 18. They have vote-by-mail and weekend voting and a $20 fine if you DON’T vote. Since 1924, when they started automatic registration, the LOWEST percentage of people voting in an election was something like 96 percent. 96 FUCKING PERCENT.

Broadchurch S2 is terrible. S3 is so much better, so stick it out. It’s worth it.

Well, I’m sure NBC can comfort themselves with the thought that her astronomical salary was money well spent and not at all guaranteed to piss off her less-racist, not-blonde coworkers.

I wonder if NBC still thinks that $69 million contract was worth it.

I really loved this episode. After having spent 20 years living in Alabama, I was painfully alert to the brutality of 1950s Deep South (and honestly, I know some people who never moved on from that era, so it’s still pretty painful to hear those accents saying so many ugly things). At first I really wanted the Doctor

#TeamCap, all day.

Considering he’s since doubled down on how dumb he thinks it is for men to carry their own children, I don’t think he thinks it’s a joke. Now, HE’S a joke, no question.

Yes, I loved that they went there, that he KNEW he would be appreciated for his genius someday, and that still wasn’t enough to ease his torment. It’s a very real depiction of how mental illness can overwhelm your logical mind. 

My husband feels the same. He thinks the 11th is the best Doctor but the 4th Doctor is HIS. Me, I’m ride or die for the 10th Doctor. We actually argue about this a lot.

The two episodes I tell everyone to watch if they are just trying out Doctor Who are ‘Blink’ and ‘Vincent and The Doctor.’

I really loved Bill, more than Clara. I grew a bit tired of the companions all being some super-special puzzle that the Doctor had to unravel, rather than being true companions, and I say that as a huge Amy & Rory fan. Bill had the benefit of being just who she was - and asking all the logical questions that any one