
Is a Signal for Help...

Let’s be real, Obama could charm the pants off a nun (if said nun were to be wearing pants). I was watching him being interviewed by Letterman last night - apparently Letterman is back on Netflix. And President Obama is just smart, witty, funny, and charming. But not charming in a sleazy way, charming in a I’ve seen

Born to be queen, brothers bedamned.

Lol you mean the “lets not make it easy to kill people” brand? If that’s unsavory to you then maybe you should learn to remove human flesh from your diet.

He’s got Charles Manson’s eyes.

I’ll just leave this here Kim:

That’s not correct. You don’t want to discourage white children from dressing up as Tiana or Jasmine. Because it’s good for white kids to look up to people of different races.

America has always made it difficult to vote.

Shhhhh they don’t actually WANT you voting, which is why it gets more and more difficult...

#americaneedstodobetter in so many ways. My state does 100% mail in ballots, because we understand that it’s a hell of a lot better for voters, but we are a minority for sure

my baby likes to crap in a fresh diaper so she waits until I change her then soils it immediately (this happens at least once a day).

(sigh). Guess it’s up to me to deliver some Truth-Telling:

Everyone writes campaign books. Not everyone turns their campaign book into a year plus egotistical pity party that regularly makes news when they relitigate the election at promo stops. Not everyone goes on the 24 hour news networks to talk about how mean and unfair everyone was to them. Gore for instance didn’t

While that’s true, other failed candidates were also doorstepped and subjected to similar treatment. No one made her ‘write’, heavily promote and publish What Happened that quickly, and no one made her promote it with comments like the ones that keep making the news.

Is the author just gonna ignore the elephant in the room here? Hillary hasn’t been asked to step away because she’s a woman, she’s been asked because she’s absolutely toxic to the party at this point. Not saying it’s right, I voted for her, but she is absolutely hated by pretty much all of the right and a good chunk

She ran a terrible campaign, lost an election she should have won, and now we’re stuck with a psychopathic president.

This guy puts the rise of Meghan Markle from mildly successful actress to motherfucking Princess to shame.

Vote vote vote vote vote. Vote in every local election. Vote every time they crack the door to the polling place. Fucking VOTE.

Now playing

Literally the first thing I thought of when she mentions walking in on him watching Shark Week: