
Prior to Roe v Wade it wasn’t illegal nationwide anyway - you could get an abortion in abortion friendly states (granted that was 3 states but still). The worst the SCOTUS is revert that decision and let states make their own laws. Congress would need to make it a national thing and with that comes... wait for it... a

I always enjoy the irony of the anti-abortion community using SCIENCE to push the answer to “when does life begin?” to the cellular level but the idea of evolution is just something that science cannot answer to their satisfaction.

This. The Right has already demonized the words “liberal” and “socialist” so we might as well own it.

Run the most liberal/leftist candidate that your district will support.

The Young Turks have always said that primaries are more important than the general. Cortez’ victory is why. Voters won. Not donors. Hopefully this is the first step for Progressives to take back the Democratic party. I want every corporate democrat to shit their pants as uncorrupted Progressives crush them all in

Today was such an awful day that I retreated into day drinking and watching Disney movies.

I, a socialist, fully support this motion.

Fuck that, we NEED the dems to get primaried by socialists. No more half measures. 

Great news. Maybe Dems will stop being such pussies and embrace the so called “far Left.

Very exciting to see endorsements made by Our Revolution finally showing results. Recall that the New York Times did not run a single article on Ocasio-Cortez during this primary race, yet just a week ago published a piece with a narrative suggesting Our Revolution has been ineffectual.

This is seismic. And fuck the anti-Bernie crud. We can unite and run on progressive issues. 

Being civil, turning the other cheek, staying respectful, etc. are elements of the same, naive, ridiculous aspiration of the Left: as long as we stay true to our values, advocate for equality, and stay civil, everything will turn out in our favor because we were the better person.

Ehhh, pharmacists are more chemists than medical professionals. But still, you don’t see my vegetarian ass working in a butcher shop.

Don’t buy, rescue. This, THIS is what produced the adorable puppy you buy from a puppy mill, or from a puppy mill laundering their puppies through Craigslist or the like. And for the love of god, neuter your pets.

Call the DOJ main comment line: 202-353-1555

“I’m sort of just stayin’ up like a ship!”

You’ve got to be kidding me.

Which he only did *because* he knew he was dying. If that wasn’t the case he would have voted very differently.

John McCain’s legacy is pretending that he’s a decent person while not actually doing anything decent so inviting Mike Pence and not Donald Trump is a pretty on brand.