
I think she is cute. I am a dog lover though, And I do foster tons of dogs so I do think all dogs are beautiful in some way.

As an immigrant mother in the United States to a daughter with a learning disability and who is also a mixed raced child . This depressed me to no end.

My daughter is 4 and will be starting transitional kinder this fall. I’m so fucking scared, scared enough that I’m planning to stay within a mile radius from her school the whole time she is there, to make matters worse we are part of the regional centers community and remember getting into my car and hearing the news

This makes me so sad. I grew up and went to school and university in Central America, and while violence is fucking horrendous, getting shot and killed at school wasn’t a fear, still isn’t. Hell, legal age to own a gun in my country is 25... twenty fucking five.

I personally feel that the affordability has given me a chance to explore other uses, like Marula in my hair and scalp, I used to have the drunk elephant one but $70 of oil for my hair was too much for me, I use the niacinamide on my arms (I had acne in my arms) a bit of salicylic acid on my bikini line, and it has

I like see through containers just so I know how much I have left and how soon I need to rebuy.

I love the Marula oil, it has done wonders for my scalp and hair in general, i use squalane, the salicyc for my face expect my t zone, I regularly use the niacinamide on both my face and arms and has improved my arms texture a lot. I have other TO products but those are my regulars.

I know, but it feel like, free food, free music, free transportation and holiday would be no brainer for anyone across all political views.

I agree, I can’t imagine what the government would look like if elections were like in my country here in America.

I mean I’m not trying to shit on the United States, I have grown to love this country but yeah, when it comes to voting the disenfranchisement is enormous. I mean my country does mobile ID issuing and voting registration year round in every municipality and little towns, they even do it in consulates across the world,

Is not like we have an amazing democracy or anything, but at least they try to make it look like it. Also there is no two party system so you get like 15 choices from 15 different parties in the ballot.. so there is a bit more diversity and confusion.

The only time I voted in my country before moving here, they had some Russian salad ones that were pretty good, also they had black beans and cheese and I wanna say a meat one too.

I resent the fact that my little poor country in Central America, can declare elections as national holidays and are held always on sundays, provide free public transportation for the day, and offer free sandwiches and coffee in polling places. America needs to do better.

Even to do the cheapest option requires a lot of money up front, like cloth diapers. I spent about $300 and that got me from newborn to potty trained, for that matter they are still in good condition and can still be used. Also most daycares won’t deal with cloth.

What I really wanna know is how much, that cheap tacky man offered to pay her afterwards.

I’m actually more interested in how much he offered her after sex. I have a feeling he was giving her $100 or something close to it because he is a cheap cheap man.

We are too awkward to dance, and we had the smallest thing in the world after our courthouse wedding, we did love and happiness by Al Green.

Yeah, my kid is also biracial and has a learning delay, so my anxiety is very high since trump got elected, the only sliver of hope is that we are in California, and the school where she is going this fall the racial composition is 60% mixed raced children, which comforts me in a weird way. Other than that everyday is

I have a toddler... and the thought of war hasn’t left my mind either.

I read it, and made me realize that even as a child I knew something was wrong with the man who ultimately abused me but I wasn’t the type of kid who would’ve just run or tell someone, now as a mom whenever my toddler doesn’t want to say hi or bye to someone I don’t make her, and afterwards I ask her if something