
This is such good advise, it takes so much time to develop the self assurance to believe in your gut. We need to teach the girls to somehow stop being too polite, you don’t feel is right, leave. Give zero fucks about hurting someone’s feelings.

I’ve felt that before, I was sexually abused as a child and I feel that experience opened a sense in me, I often feel grossed out by certain people not knowing why, or I also felt like predators could smell me as vulnerable when I was younger.

Will do... I live in California so acces is great.

Which pot doesn’t? I have anxiety and sleep problems, and I am so tired of medication and side effects so i turned to weed and it seems to work ok specifically edibles. I just got a lunchbox? Vape thing and I’m excited but I hate the munchies.

I’ll have a drink with you or on your behalf for sure.

I closed my legs reading your comment, mine was only 8 pounds and damn did it hurt.

I hate lululemon because of the sizing and I really don’t wanna support them any longer... I like k deer and they have plus sizes, I’m not sure they make stuff for cold weather though.

I work out pretty hard but I barely sweat... it’s frustrating, I wanna sweat.

Exactly! I was abused when I was a kid and I’m a functional adult. I do hate most people though.

Mensa is my favorite word...

Parenting is such a unique experience, every kid is different and I know that my struggle is not even that bad, we often see very special children with unique challenges in the meet and greet of our regional center. And I agree with you, our parenting experiences should also be included.

Being a parent is hard, My daughter is 4 and she has apraxia of the speech, which makes her speech barely understandable and worst part is that therapy sorta helps but it’s just practicing the same sound over an over again with little success often, she is 4 and saying “leaf” is still years away for us, I’m a stay

I feel the need to research this until I have nightmares about it.

Because I’m a weirdo, who believes in ghosts... I wonder how haunted is Buckingham Palace.

As a former born again Christian, I agree.

I’ve read that many times before, and yet never stops hurting me. My country (Guatemala) is a beautiful place, with nature and history that is just amazing, most people work hard and are kind, and I resent that the US ripped us apart just so the white boys could have their damn bananas.

Every day I keep telling myself, this can’t get worst... the end of the world is here for our Salvadoran brothers and sisters, I’m drinking because I don’t know how to help my friends, I’m angry because every Salvadoran in my life is nothing but stand up people, I don’t know what is gonna happen to their houses, their

Oprah gave us Suze Orman, and say what you want but she did help straighten my financial life, and I’m forever thankful to her.

Me too! Got th fridge I really wanted for almost half of retail price, had a huge dent on the side which is the side that goes by the wall in my house, so you can’t tell.. 5 years of pure cold bliss! I’ve been going once every couple of weeks lately cause I need a new washer/dryer.

Probably January, right now is high season so prices are around $125. January should go back down to $90ish.