
You are referring to GenZ; iGen is utilized in work environments to refer to an intergenerational workforce.

Old white guy here who marched today - the sooner amazing young people like these take over, the better off we’ll all be. I used to think “I weep for our future,” but now I weep with joy to see that there is hope, and I will help make it happen.

I had to look up how the hell they’re doing this “therapy”. Per Forbes:

Or everyone could just get over themselves and do Pilates. Yeah, I said it. Pilates.

I fervently hope that every single person or school administrator who did anything to punish these kids has their actions dragged out into the open and crushed under the weight of public outrage. THIS is what democracy looks like, you cowardly fuckers. (Sorry. Feelin’ a bit testy about this.)

I’m honestly very grateful I don’t have children, you have my sympathy. Not just war, but the growing anti-intellectualism, tribalism, inequality and more. I’m sure you do have anxiety, and that’s so shitty, I’m sorry.

Republicans will eat this up.

You don’t know how right you are.

When my daughter started dating, I always told her, “If someone gives you a creepy vibe, even a little bit...if the situation gives you a feeling of danger, even a little bit...even if there’s nothing overt to “justify” those feelings...just get out of there. You don’t have to explain yourself or apologize for wanting

My two cents: stay away from vibes, stay away from your own past relationship (they give her reason to dismiss you.)

Classic newborn picture: cub looks squeaky clean, bright-eyed, and cute as all get-out. Mom looks dirty, matted and exhausted. Polar bears: they’re just like us!

I was never able to get munchies on vaping, tinctures and those Stratos pills. I would recommend those if you have access to ‘em.

the munchies do :)

Based on my alcohol intake since November 8th 2016, it looks like I’m gonna live forever.

As a transwoman who wants to adopt, this makes me so incredibly happy. I’ve always wanted to be a mom (yes, despite the stupid medical condition I was born with) and being able to connect with an infant in this way is so meaningful to me. <3

Jesus will you people shut the fuck up. The primary is over. We get it #yourwithher. Good for you.

Maybe spend two seconds reading before you get all up in a tizzy and start using demeaning language like chick, idiot, and your usage of “feelings”. It says right under the picture that it is from January 2016 outside of a Trump rally, so 6 months before he dropped out.

Normally I agree with you, Stig. However this time I think it’s fair to paint Clinton with a negative brush. I wouldn’t say “Trump deserved to win” but “this is part of why she was a bad candidate” would be fair.

Love how you just make that leap. The awfulness of Clinton is its own subject that has nothing to do with Sanders.