
If this movement does nothing else for me, it will forever be a reminder to me to teach my daughter to NEVER be silent when something feels off, to not normalize the actions of men because these actions are NOT normal. Call these assholes out by name to their faces, to their bosses, to anyone who will listen. We are

Thanks for commenting on this post. My son has autism, as well as speech and learning issues. I wish my biggest problem was not having enough time for hobbies! Not to discount that, but it is important that our parenting experience is part of the conversation too.

Probably not as haunted as Windsor Castle which has been around since the 11th Century, whereas Buckingham Palace has only been around since the early 18th Century and wasn’t the official royal residence until Victoria.

VERY. It’s a fact. The royals themselves have acknowledged it.

This. Apart from taking a class on this, both of my parents came here because of the fallout from the US-backed civil war. This country has been fucking around in Latin American politics/government since at least the 1920s, and then when violence erupts because of it the government rejects the refugees.

Thank you! This is the main thing I see commenters on article not fucking getting. My husband and his family have been here 17 years through TPS, and have all been upstanding taxpayers the whole time. TPS gives you a work permit and social to work under, but all I see are commenters saying “Good, that’s 200,000 less

There is a family that owns a townhouse right behind mine who is from Guatemala. I haven’t had much interation with them, but we all know who each other is and they help out folks with stuff if they can. As the husband told my old neighbor “we consider neighbors like family”. The husband works construction 6 days a

El Salvador, along with Honduras and Guatemala, is considered the most violent regionin the world outside of conventional war zones; it’s also one of the world’s deadliest countries for women.

My mom sat on the couch next to me, listening to Oprah, tearing up because she’s one of those unnamed single moms who worked her ass off to make sure I went to college and had every opportunity. Which made me tear up. So now I need to go out in that world and be the biggest badass I can be, so I can make Mom and

After that.....this happened.

I didn’t know Kohl’s was still a going concern. And Sears, well, I adore Sears Outlet but it’s been a decade since I went into a normal Sears.

Sweet potatoes are delicious, but why should their existence mean that I should not eat regular potatoes which are also delicious. That’s like saying replace all my spinach with chard. I love them both, and will continue to eat them both. This is a bad take.

100%. These tax changes are going to dick me over. And if it had been to pay for schools or universal healthcare I’d suck it up because it’s the right thing to do. But you’re going to throw my deductions out of whack so you can get rid of the inheritance tax, which targets maybe the hundred or so richest families in

Jose, thank you for sharing your story. Stay strong and keep up the fight. We’re at your side and fighting hard across the country not just for you and for DACA, but for your mom and TPS and for all those other undocumented strivers like her who work hard and make this country amazing.

Paris ring is tacky af

That Demi situation is ridiculous and I hope she didn’t have to give those people a dime.

You know what, people are capable of more than one interest and one emotion. I couldn’t care less about the Kardashians but let people enjoy what they enjoy. When the world is falling apart let people have the escapism of their choice. It doesn’t also mean they’re not very much aware of the state of the world. You

Rest in Power. My condolences to your family,loved ones, and friends who will truly miss her

Because nursing homes are absolute hellscapes?

True story. My mom would be making a martyr of herself and writing a book about what it was like to raise the most ungrateful about to be princess in the world. Then she would tell “Liz” to call her.