
I took my kids to Disneyland/World at least 3x prior to her 3rd birthday and the reason we do it is because they fucking love it. They may not remember it (though in my case my daughter does) but to see their faces ecstatic to be able to hug the ‘real’ Pooh Bear etc. makes it worth it. It’d be hard to justify doing

I have some friends who got stuck on Small World once, and they said the creepiest part was when the music shut off but the animatronics kept going, so that all they heard was the clacking of their little mouths and eyes opening and closing.

I don’t mean insult your taste, but that dress is hideous and clearly made of chintzy, wrinkly-prone fabric- which is something Temperley is known for. And that’s her problem, she routinely chooses clothing that is ill-fitting (most of her Mcqueen and high street purchases), poorly tailored (all of her ‘bespoke’

I don’t know how long this is going to stay up on, but right now Wikipedia is showing this gem:

Thank you. I’m sick and tired of defenders saying that the Royal family only uses private money today and doesn’t live off the public dime. (Anymore.)

“The episode” that distressed her is this whole “Harry marrying a negress” affair.

TBF joining a family that once colonized so much of Asia & Africa and continues to live off those riches was always going to be a difficult affair.

No royal wedding invite for you, racist!

I hope she has to curtsy to Meghan once she’s married to Harry.

She knew exactly what the fuck she was doing.

I get where you’re coming from, I’m pregnant and I’m Mexican. I was born in Mexico and moved to the US when I was 15. So when I think of names I’d like to pick one that works here but it’s not too removed from the Mexican culture. On the other hand, I live here now and have for almost 22 years. I am never going back.

2017: I think one beer before lunch is not too much to ask.

That’s the cocaine-smuggling shipping heiress McConnell married, yes. She’s Trump’s Secretary of Transportation.  

Yeah. Not surprising.

I know I shouldn’t be bragging about it, but I have Giorgio Tsoukalos’ autograph. He was doing an episode of Ancient Aliens about a year and a half ago at the aerospace engineering department at my daughter’s school. My daughter, being a double major in aerospace and mechanical engineering, was nearby and texted me

Nobody can, because it doesn’t do a thing. As much as the right wants to paint it as a “librulh feelings” issue, it is as much as a “feels” issue for the right, too. There is literally no logic in booting out people who are working hard to be a contributing member of society other than to obey the letter of the law,

I’ll start the flame war. I am viciously against breeding, as the owner of a purebred cat.

But what else could you have done but call them out? I find that doing that in public, IRL, just makes them angrier, more defensive and likely more determined to continue the behavior. Maybe talk to your daughter about what you think is going on? You sound like a great parent, and I believe that with your help your

Is it the 18th or 19th? You keep swapping back and forth.