
And in that moment I realized that majority of woman probably wake up every morning trying to fit in a stereotype that society/socialmedia/fashion etc imposed

If you really REALLY wanted to make fun of Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ appearance, why wouldn’t you go with the literal POUNDS of contouring and makeup she wears? I mean, jeeeeze. That makeup is bad and she should feel bad.

I hate to admit it, but SHS is really really good at her job. She can tell the lies with a straight face, and convincingly act offended when the administration gets called out on pretty much anything. I’ve rarely seen her get ruffled. I have to hand it to her for nailing the skills necessary in that position, and in

Though the official death toll in Puerto Rico is 62, in reality, it may be as high as 1,052.

Huh. Must be nice to merely use soap and still be regarded as well groomed. Excuse me while I cry into this Sephora shopping bag.

Oh yeah, that guy was a piece of shit.

“But this definitely means Rihanna’s influence is rubbing off on the Kardashians’ burgeoning beauty empire.”

This wasn’t incompetence. There was no investigation because the rich, powerful, and famous got it buried. The police and prosecutors that enabled these animals need to be named and shamed. This crap didn’t happen in a vacuum.

Getting the pee stains out must be tough.

I think the Bryan Singer shit is about to go down (allegedly, a large pedophile ring that involves many Hollywood stars and victims), and the LAPD has historically been paid off to turn a blind eye.

I agree, I thought that comment was idiotic. But there are also people in the comment section talking about “bombing all white people on an Island”. Is that really a solution to anything?

Do you know if there’s a way to contribute to Ernold’s campaign fund ‘cause I’m in.


I’m pretty open around here with my alcoholism, and I was a binge drinker prone to blackouts for many years.

First off, that’s horrible and I’m really sorry that you carry that burden because no one should.

As a lifetime member of the IBTC I can assure you that you are NOT missing anything at Victoria’s Secret. They may look cute but they are uncomfortable and the quality sucks ass.

Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.

I am apparently the only person not happy about this. I woke up to hear the news and was completely gutted. How could Prince Harry marry someone who is not me? Nevermind that I am 27 weeks pregnant in a serious relationship. He should have waited for me. So long my love..I’ll always remember the good times we had in

I’ve always had a soft spot for Harry. Even through the Nazi costume days (incredibly poor judgment), I saw a lot of the troubles he later discussed - depression after the death of his mother, having to internalize it because, you know, he was a royal, having to come to terms with it after a period of setting his life