
Please stop bringing up Jones’ prosecution of the Klansmen responsible for killing the two girls in the 16th Street Baptist Church as an example of how tough he is on crime.

On the toilet.

Why can’t we get rid of him “quickly”?

Oh, if only Time named Kaepernick for the cover after this. Or Carmen Yulin Cruz.

In the afterglow of Thanksgiving, I’d like to take a moment to be thankful...Dear Lord, I’m thankful that social media did not exist when I was that age. I’m thankful that I never got herpes or a DUI or even a bad tattoo. I’m not sure how I managed that, but thank you forever and ever. Amen.

It was 90+ degrees in LA yesterday (and I was in front of my stove for all of it.With no air conditioning.) I’m giving her a pass.

I’m absolutely heartbroken for what was done to you, but I’m so so happy that you have a kind and understanding partner in your life. Hugs.

As posted elsewhere, Willow and Amy wish you a happy Thanksgiving. I’m drunk AF and making s’mores RN:

“Festive” people are always monsters. Anyone who pretends to be happy during the holidays is hiding some shit.

Martha Stewart is a stone cold monster.

I’ve had better service just window shopping and trying things on without buying anything from YSL than from J Crew.


I’ve been an atheist since birth and I have this very same dream. I don’t even care if I’m right along side them for being a non-believer. Their screams of unending agony will bring me comfort in hell.

I am an agnostic who only gets god vibes in selfish situations (“please god let this stray dog have a microchip). But if I’m wrong, and there’s a lord baby jesus on high son of our lady of the miracle potato chip face then I hope that all these spiteful Trumptwats (tea partiers, christian capitalists, racists, bigots,

Unless you used a Polaroid and could tell relatively sooner. . . .

I’m currently at work on a Sunday— editing—so excuse my minor indulgence of bitching about Paris Hilton not caring about basic grammar. Grammar matters. Intelligence and education fucking matter. There are people who get a pass on this subject and people who do not.

some people are poorly educated because they’re poor: thus, classism.

As I put into my one she didn’t invent the selfie, she just invented the Kardashians which just makes her a terrible human being (if she wasn’t already one).

You know what, yes. I believe this. I think that’s fair on her part to proclaim herself selfie inventor. Paris Hilton is the first person I can personally remember to kick start this narcissistic, famous for the sake of being famous, conspicuous consumption rollercoaster we’ve “enjoyed” the last decade or so. The