
Human hair came from someone’s body. It’s a body part. Literally a part of their body, that was hacked off and sold. Yeah we should call ALL of them out. Just because all/most female celebrities wear human hair and pass it off as their own does NOT make it okay. Where/who did it come from? People are called out for

That plan would place social good above the maximized profits of the investors. America doesn’t work that way.

Nah. Woody Allen doesn’t deserve this generous take.

They deserve the disdain. How do you lose track of a living responsibility?? It’s not like he works at the factory by day and cleans offices at night and she’s an elementary teacher who’s also taking night classes to get her Phd... 😡

Omarosa is the worst. A total narcissist like Trump.

Ed Westwick once stole my glasses at a party then forcibly “kissed” me as “payment.” I told him to fuck off and asked for my glasses back. Pretty sure homie was coked out of his mind and kept slipping the DJ (my boyfriend at the time) money to play “his requests.” DOUCHE.

I want to share my only person experience with MLM. I encourage others to do the same because these stories are entertaining.

I’m trying to shift to buy clothing items that aren’t fast fashion because of the environmental impact, and because that business model encourages this kind of manufacturing. I know higher quality clothing can be made in the same awful conditions, but at least it lasts much longer and is sometimes made under better

Reminds me of one of my favorite memes— “look at this bitch eating those crackers like she owns the place”


I don’t understand how in a small office, the boss could be unaware that someone who had worked there for 8 years didn’t wear shoes. As a new employee, you don’t have much political capital. Don’t waste what you have causing trouble with a long-term employee.

We need you more than ever, hero ex employee!

Thank you! Another voice of sanity coming from the Left! Enfranchisement, Getting Out the Vote, and speaking to people about the stuff they really care about! Always responding to DJT and his hired goons is not going to get us anywhere.

Brazile calling anyone “unethical” is the height of absurdism. This book is nothing but a sad attempt to salvage her reputation.


Rolls eyes? Are we really at a place where we no longer feel the need to make the distinction between what Rapp described as “trying to get with me sexually” and rape? Come on.

No but you are a piece of shit for suggesting that people with herpes do not have “normal sex lives” and trying to hide behind some “stigma” bullshit.

I get cold sores. None of my sex partners ever cared or got them. We had “normal” sex. I have never been dumped and men want to fuck me. Sorry your sex life is so stressful worrying about the herp constantly. Doesn’t sound “normal” - maybe the doctor can treat you for the anxiety you are experiencing from the cold

1. She contracted oral herpes