
This is assuming that there is something inherently not progressive about open sexuality and smut, or that they are counter-intuitive to progressive movements, which isn’t true.

THAT IS HORRIBLE. I’m so sorry that that happened and so glad that you were ok.

Reposting my tale of my almost-murder from last year.

Ok, I love this time of year, so forgive the new account, but I wanted to tell the story my grandmother told me. I can’t vouch for it completely, but she’s a very no-nonsense woman and I’ve never caught her in a lie (besides maybe how many martinis she’s had). Anyway, we’ll call her Betty. Betty grew up in Kansas in

I have a story.

They are all volunteer jobs, the food in camp is known as the best food in the prison system and these jobs usually pay higher than other job. Its a lot of work (long hours of physical work) but there are benefits that lead to the ALL VOLUNTEER part working just fine.


“I picked this outfit so that my outsides would be just as awful as my insides”

She probably figures that Harvey is going to try for a comeback and if she’s the only actress on his side, she’d get the part.

Her parents are Dina and Michael Lohan. The poor girl never stood a chance.

I had to stop after a minute or two - so gross - what a creep.

Wendy Williams is a trifling ass trick whose own home in in disarray. The end.

I feel like feedback and bad news are two very different things though. Feedback can be constructive, where as news is just news, it’s not negotiable or something you can change. News would be your boss saying, “You’re fired.” Feedback would be asking, “Why?”

I hope he didn’t interpret that literally:

Once upon calling in for blood test results which I wasn’t even really worried about thankfully, but you always are, there was a preemptive prompt about psychological help being available should I need it. This is all well and good and I understand it, but it was so long winded that I was getting panicky and sweaty


Dear General Kelly,

The parent company, Unilever, tests on animals, so this is another excellent reason to not buy Dove products.

You could bypass her and go straight to the CPS in that town!

I think we’re all fed up with our autonomy being co-opted by rich assholes. That’s a capitalism problem, not a Democrat/Republican problem.