
Our latest dialogue about this:

I wish, but my husband won’t do anything directly. His MO will just be to avoid this guy as much as possible and shit talk him about this and other stuff the rest of the time (sterilization guy is a dick in the workplace too! SHOCKER).


No no no see when I had my abortion it wasn’t murder. Yours is totally murder though. And you should be put to death!!1!!11!

The town I grew up in had a problem with geese at a small pond. They found this company that has these strobe lights that are supposed to scare the geese off. Apparently these geese didn’t care and one of the local officials said something like “we just paid for these geese to have a rave at the pond” which I find

Pigeons just want to have fun.

Trump tossing out paper towel rolls to a desperate crowd reminded me of Evita Peron and her charity...

I met Kim Cattrall once at a special meet and greet through my employer after she was performing a Shaw play in Toronto (or maybe it was Noel Coward - I forget!). She was just so nice. She took time to talk with everyone and seemed genuinely thrilled that we came to see the play. She also looks great in person - age

This is such an important point: the fact that the richest country in the world is using resources that could have gone to other countries is worse than embarrassing. It should be criminal.

No, this is not. This is worse. I truly believe GW’s Katrina response was pure ignorance, inability to handle a natural disaster, and simply not understanding the magnitude of what needed to be done. But I do think that the Bush administration tried. Did they succeed? Not really, but they tried.

These things are not mutually exclusive. He can be a criminally negligent morally bankrupt racist and a national embarrassment.

Not only is this an embarrassment for US, this is a huge drain on resources earmarked for countries that genuinely can’t respond because they don’t have the infrastructure, skills or leadership. I work for Oxfam, based in a developing country, and although everyone agrees we must step in, the mood is one of collective

I see your birth control and raise you single payer healthcare (aka Medicare for all).

This always reminds me of this famous Family Guy line:

He does not know the difference between fat and big.

I am blessed with the ability to poop very quickly without it being diarrhea. The flip side is the fact that when I have to go, I really can’t fuck around. I have no choice. And I don’t give a fuck, anyway. My co-workers can get bent if they have a problem with it.

Also, courtesy flush. There’s no reason to let your poop linger in the bowl, stinking up the joint. Flush as soon as you poo, people!

I can’t speak to any legal merits of this. And Bobby Brown can go eff himself as far as any disparaging information toward him is concerned.

If you have thick legs and a small waist, skinny jeans are the least comfortable thing in the world. Any skinny jeans that fit over my runner’s calves will have a huge gap at the waist.