
If you think about how much of the US was Mexico before the war it makes zero sense to kick the Hispanics out. White people came and occupied places where brown people WERE ALREADY ESTABLISHED, ffs.

This administration is more willing to protect statues and monuments of racists than actual people whose lives are going to be torn apart by this.

After reading his brief statement, Sessions declined to take questions.

She has that smarmy look that reminds me of Martin Shkreli. Every picture makes me dislike her, just on that facial expression.

Yeah that sounds like my relatives, one of them wants an engineering degree. My husband and I were preparing to pitch in for tuition once my relative transfers to a 4-year college. I hope he can still transfer but I fear he will lose his current job or get paid less when he loses his permit which could derail some of

I wish I knew. I wish I could arrange a program where all these cowards who support ending DACA could go and talk with someone who has DACA and see how great they are.

I agree that the McClatchy report is unnecessarily alarmist at this point. It just states that “An announcement could come as soon as Friday,” which is.... not the same thing as saying that an announcement will happen. Is DACA going to be ended by Trump? At this point, very likely. Just.... we don’t know for sure yet.

A lot of my immigrant friends have a corresponding “white” equivalent name because it really does seem to help in the workplace, whether it’s to land the job in the first place or just to make climbing the ladder easier. My sister is Amy at work and Amina to us (not that big of a change), but she did notice it became

She does. I just ran to the Root before my head exploded. Thank Meghan.

I happened upon a husky mix 5 years ago and after several weeks of searching for her home with no luck, decided to keep her. She is the sweetest dog but Jesus is she hard work. They’re escape artists and runners and will not stop. After an entire year of obedience school and a real-time GPS collar, we’re a lot

Free Takiyah Thompson! Call Durham, NC, District Attorney to demand charges be dropped against Takiyah and all anti-racists protesters: 919-808-3010. Donate to bail fund:

Most white women with black children, are engaged in the struggle because it becomes a part of them. They want to see their children thrive and most want to see their children have connection with the community and all of its’ greatness. Almost all White parents of mixed children become a part of the black community

Grandmother McFruitcakes used to say “Life is essentially a long interrupted sequence of baths”.

Halo Top is fucking delicious and I don’t care about whatever chemicals are in it. Birthday Cake is my favorite flavor. Haters gonna hate!

let’s trolling begins

“The father no monkey deserved.”

He could shoot a brown child on the street for not giving him a “presence fee” on camera and they wouldn’t kick him out. Congress is all Republicans now, and they will hold onto dirty laundry in their room if it meant getting away with other illegal acts mainly for the sake of profit.

I wouldn’t be so sure that Russia will accept him when he’s no longer useful to them.

I “met” Julia Stiles at a super dive bar in the east village once, around a dozen years ago. I yelled at her for putting her coat on the booth I was waiting to claim. She was so freaking nice! I apologized (as I would have done with anyone) and she was totally cool with my crazy drunkenness at 21 years old. I’m