
Jesus, I hate people. Don’t kill things because you’re scared of them. This is neither cute nor funny.

I am so tired of Tomi Lahren: this Anne Coulter 2.0 shtick is killing me inside. And what’s worse, she’s had all this exposure and people praising her opinion at a young age: as far as she’s concerned, she’s The Child What Come To Lead Us, with her unique insights that no one else could possibly have.

Am I out of touch for not knowing who these very attractive folks are?

A question from a Canadian. From most things I hear, even American’s who identify as Democrats, or left leaning in their politics are against public health care. Why? Is it taxes? Because I mean shit, if you’re paying like a grand a month in insurance premiums I can assure you your taxes wouldn’t be that high. It just

If I fucking hear one more conservative asshole say that we shouldn’t have to help or take in refugees I’m going to fucking shove copies of this article down their throats. People in other countries are being tortured, raped and killed in the most unimaginable of circumstances and they come here, or to Europe, or any

All a lot of us can do is try to offer help and shelter when we can. I have friends in shaky/abusive living situations...all I can do is let them know they’re welcome in my home any time if they need a safe place to sleep and eat.

The problem with VERY private arrangements is that they are not known to work because most people don’t think of all the possibilities and know the monetary average cost for services. It is best to have a mediator because all the details of surrogacy need to be laid out by people who are aware of all the risks. And

Someone who says that about Bill Cosby doesn’t deserve to wear Moana pajamas.

I think that may come from believing there’s no benevolent god you can ask for forgiveness and feel you get it. A bad atheist has to live with the weight of the evil they do until they atone somehow. Why do the wrong thing if you’re then the only person who can make it right.?

I wouldn’t wish McCain’s illness on my worst enemy and sympathize with him and his family.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again. Black, Latina, and Native women are going to single-handedly save us.  

Thanks for the response. I think you touch on something my friend and I spent a lot of time unpacking: identifying the issues that are personal and important to us and deciding whose interests get subordinated in order to accomplish grand ideas. While acknowledging that our core interests were important, he and I

He’s suffering from the same cancer that killed my uncle slowly and painfully. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.

So tired of seeing your shit responses to nearly every fucking article. Do you have anything resembling a life outside of this website? John McCain has accomplished more in 1 year than you will in your entire life sitting around looking for stars on Kinja. Get fucked.

Awesome, jokes about cancer. Are we really that jaded? Numb to the point we can longer show empathy to a brain cancer diagnosis? As a stage 4 cancer survivor myself, show some decorum for fucks’ sake.

Not to mention he doesn’t even suck. He picked a really bad running mate, big deal. He was also a war hero and seemed like a decent guy. If political bullshit is a reason to tell a guy who just got a death sentence “fuck you,” then you’re a dickhead (looking at you jujymonkey)

No. I don’t care how much the guy sucks, I wouldn’t wish glioblastoma on anyone. It took my grandmother in six months and it’s awful.

KUWTK fans

Justine was a dear friend who was horrified about police violence and committed to making the world better in every way. She had just picked out her wedding dress last week and was so excited to show me. She was texting me trying to get me to go to “dance church” with her on sunday morning, but instead I went to a