
You don’t understand, he’s winning the disapproval ratings! WINNING!!!

Just say “It’s lovely to meet you, can’t wait to get a chance to chat over dinner and see some of Paris”.

Why is everything The Greatest Political Witch Hunt in History with him? Every damn week there’s another Greatest Political Witch Hunt. The phrase has lost it’s value since he’s using it every other day.

Things are getting out of haaaaaaand, trying too much but baby we can’t win, let it go, if you want me girl let me know. I am down, on my kneeeeeees, I can’t take it anymore.......

Baby, I don’t understand just why we can’t be lovers.

FFS REALLY???? Little miss “Teehee, I try to stay out of politics!” Gets to step in when President Peepaw gets bored and starts sunsetting and needs to wander off to look for a big truck to play with, or a bunch of rural farm workers bussed in to cheer him?

Mark my words, this whole family is going down so hard over the next half-decade.

I predict the level of outrage from the Right will be somewhere around zero.

My doctor (even back in the 80's!) brought it over for me to check out, kind of like a waiter offering something on a silver salver. I was like: “No, I’m fine, just busy with this newborn here”.

Hello fellow Memphian! Yeah, this place is the worst. Took my best friend who was visiting from the Bay Area and it was all just microwaved garbage and terrible service. With places like Lyfe Kitchen in town, this place needs to shut down —— ESPECIALLY with their performative advocacy. They protest for $15 wages and

If there was nowhere to change my kid when he was in diapers, I would take him to the car. That is a rude-ass vile, person. If I had witnessed something like that, I’d tell my server immediately and ask they wipe off the table before someone was seated.

1. I own a restaurant. While I don’t have kids, I have always allowed my staff to bring their kids to work. Their well-behaved kids. Sometimes even well-behaved kids get a little wild, and then their parent tells them to cool it and go play upstairs. Kids will be kids. But the ceremonial unveiling of the sphincter,

From baby buttholes to tofurkey sausages, this whole article made me vaguely nauseated.

The only people mad that I (a brown guy) was marrying my white spouse were her feminist friends who thought I was some savage and a handful of her redneck family we don’t talk to. I’m actually bi-racial too but I look more ethnic. Our kids look like white kids with a nice tan lol.

THANK YOU. As a biracial woman, I am tired of people saying my parents love was invalid. That it was just serving colonialism or serving to oppress black women. If women of color really do not hold men to be the locus of their lives, then do Kumaili and Aziz really need to represent brown women on screen for them? Let

And by earning white love, the Asian man gains acceptance in a society that has thwarted them from the very beginning.

Putin will bring menstruating women with him into a meeting to scare Trump.

It’s impossible to say for sure, but children are born intersex more often than we’d think. They’re often operated on as children to look more one way or the other (often at a sacrifice of part of their genatalia) and assigned a gender that later in life may or may not be correct for them. It’s tricky and complicated.

Looking at Alexa makes me really sad because she has Alexander Skarsgard and I never will. That I’ve been married for 8 yrs is besides the point..

I’m devastated about the lack of Taymerica photoshoots this year. Devastated.