
You “like him a bit better” for scrambling to save his own ass at the last second? I can’t see how that would merit anything more than quelling an active dislike of him. I respect Bey’s decision to forgive him for her own sake, but that doesn’t mean I think he deserves it.

And the topper in this is that he appointed Linda McMahon, the producer of WWE to be director of the Small Business Administration.

I’m sorry, but Obama wore a tan suit to a press briefing. And at one point he put his feet on a desk.

Obama? I was just telling a co-worker I miss Bush Jr. he can even bring along Cheney.

God, I love the octopus hat! I’ve never felt so strongly about a hat before

I said nothing about “raging emotions”. Being mad doesn’t require fury and drama.

I grew up in the midwest and heard some crazy racist shit that was generally regarded as no big deal at the time. Anyone who has remained my friend into adulthood (I’m 32) has changed their tune and realizes that it was wrong to say those things. People grow up. They change.

If we were all judged by our worst moment of judgment in our early twenties I doubt many of us would come out looking okay.

Not surprised Kelly pissed her pants considering how thirsty for attention she is.

It’s all about the lining.

I think that’s about average?

The high road sucks. I know Michelle Obama meant well, but “going high” doesn’t mean squat if you can’t get a seat at the table where major decisions get made for millions of Americans.

I can’t wait for Jezebel to somehow blame this on Bernie Sanders.


Can you understand we got sick of the abuse and just stopped commenting?

Because he held a vision for this country that un-yoked us from corporate desire?

It’s almost as if they were always disingenuous shit posters

She didn’t earn the votes and now we have Trump.

Funny how all those people seem to be gone now, isn’t it?

Trumps foreign policy and environmental stance are no different from how HRC campaigned. If anything, Trump isn’t escalating with Syria, Russia, and Iran as much as HRC promised.