
The version without Beiber is waaaaaaay more enjoyable.

Is “not aged well” a quality one would ever ascribe to a man? Just curious.

I sent my gay son off to perhaps the most bigoted area in all of America, Lubbock, to attend his new student orientation for college. I hate every single thing about this place but my son is in love and transferred from a mediocre college in to a great one. He worked hard and got the grades. His boyfriend is there and

Look, if theres one thing we can all agree on, its that regardless of whether or not the design was copied, the actual protective/tactical value of the camo is highly questionable, right? Right??


Right? When I get too hungry I tend to become a total monster so I feel like I would be constantly angry if I survived on celery and almonds.

If I ate only a shake for breakfast, I would be starving all morning until my next “meal.” I make smoothies (kale, a few berries and some peanut butter) to drink after a particularly tough workout, but I need something I can actually chew for breakfast. Also, I eat relatively healthy and I find that if I never add any

You’re team the woman who lost custody of her because she was an abusive mother? And Ariel isn’t lost, she knows exactly what she’s doing, which is why the courts emancipated her from that monster of a mother whose still trying to ride the coattails of her daughter’s success.

YES. Skinny guys have big dicks. It is known.

That’s such a myth.

Obama Care victims... Dafuq?

POC can be racist, too. I don’t think “most likely to be a terrorist” would ever be seen as a racially neutral award, even if the teacher were Middle Eastern.

He does sometimes.

you are wrong and you should feel bad. Chris Pine is perfect, followed closely by Hemsworth. Then Evans.

The ol’ “oh shit, I’m married with kids” look.

I literally gasped when I saw that header photo of Chris Pine.

All of the Chrises need to have an oil wrestling match and invite me to judge and then participate.

Forcing kids to hug strangers actually reenforces a lack of bodily autonomy. It teaches them to put up with unwanted physical contact.

Like a Kardashian being snubbed by Beyoncé...

I knew I was gonna love this movie no matter what... BUT then it lived up to all the hype & I’m all like....

I’m so sorry, I really hope it gets better over time. We’re a mixed race couple too and it’s hard to move to a new neighborhood with that going in in the mix too