
So... I did something today.

I was in the Philippines drunk on Red Horse beer and even I knew it was not a good idea to say the n-word as a white person when singing karaoke. I just don’t see any non-racist reason to use the word no matter who is around.

The only party who should have pulled out was Fred Trump.

What a dumbfuck

*sigh* Animals. One-upping humans at every opportunity

As I have written before, my daughter died when she was five in 2011, two months after being diagnosed with an inoperable and malignant brain tumor. There is no cure for her type of tumor - DIPG - and current treatments do little more than extend life for a few months.

Huma. Honey. He’s not good for you. He’s not good for your son. You haven’t failed, I promise. You are doing what is best for your family. Don’t let him back in.

Jessica Simpson’s shoes are also one of the few fashionable* brands that goes down to 5/5.5 for women.

Almost anybody who ever says they made a work of art ugly on purpose is overcompensating for their inability to make a work of art that’s beautiful.

“ is disrespect to the artist that made the bull. That bull had integrity.”

Oh, please let you be from the USA. If that’s the case, then let me list the appalling elderly people you have excused, starting with Saint Ronnie of Reagan himself. After him, of course, we have Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld, and old “shot a man in the face” Dick Cheney. Not to mention George HW Bush and Robert

This. She was a fucking *mechanic* and military truck driver during WWII while she was still a princess. This has always been my favorite bit of trivia about her.

Queen Elizabeth II has a much firmer grasp of history, appropriateness, military sacrifice and compassion then every single member of this miserable grifter band.

this moron can’t even get through a basic intelligence briefing without colorful pictures and a tablecloth to draw on.

And Macron doesn’t just go towards Angela first, they hold each other in a warm greeting and exchange kisses. Their bond is real, Donald. France and Germany are best friends and YOU CAN’T SIT WITH THEM.

That was my mistake, and it won’t happen again!

Trump had to move closer to him to not lose his balance, it was a complete and thorough dismantling of Trump’s sad attempt at machismo against a guy who probably ate rocks for breakfast for the first 12 years of his life, before joining the Soviet military and getting rocks for breakfast and roundhouse kicks to the

I think this guy wasn’t actually expecting it the way Trudeau was. But he’s that stocky former-Soviet type of dude that when some doughy fop tries some bush-league move like that, he’s not going to leave it unchallenged.


Dogs can read body language at least.