
Top pic looks like the start of a horror movie. Also, this would have been better with Jude Law/young pope.

Am i allowed to imagine this is a photo from trump’s funeral ?

Melania looks scared, Ivanka looks evil....

She needs a Claire Underwood. If my hair was straight, I’d do it too.

Dear Kellyanne,

I’m an attorney and I have no idea what would happen and I think about it constantly. I have so many questions.

Well here’s the thing — what if Trump is removed from office for high crimes and misdemeanors that also implicate Pence? Then Trump and Pence would both have to go, and then what do you do? Let Paul Ryan succeed to the Presidency? There is no Constitutional mechanism for an election do-over, so we’d be treading new

I literally just texted “Comey out here dropping receipts!” to one of my friends. And who would have thought Comey would have lots of notes on someone he was ... investigating? (I would.)

YUP. As much as I hate the idea of a President Pence, I want nothing more than to see Donald Trump and his garbage family get kicked the fuck out of the White House. I want it like Gollum wants his Precious.

NYT is saying comey left a paper trail of all the shit trump did or said in front of him so this really could be it but I wouldn’t get too excited.

Can we just skip the impeachment and annul this presidency? I’d say we could just abort it, but we’re in the second trimester, and Paul Ryan is going to make sure we carry it to term, even if it kills us.

James Comey today.

Yeah, he might have made a grievous error taking on Comey; unlike reality show hosts, bureaucrats take meticulous notes.

It’s currently being reported that Trump tried to stop the FBI investigating Flynn and his ties to Russia while Comey was in charge.

Those hideous fucking “slide ons” are made of calf hair, just so you know. Not that any of you probably care, but a baby cow was slaughtered so that you could wear that.  

When I was in my 2o’s, I had a cute butt, perky tits and tiny waist. (But no silicone tits right under my chin.) Now I’m almost 67. After two pregnancies and a hard bout with breast cancer 18 year ago, I have a saggy ass, thick waist, poochy tummy and lopsided boobs. I still go to the gym to increase my muscle mass,

I kind of get it — it’s like the preponderance of expensive and/or customized cars in otherwise poor-ish neighborhoods. At a certain point, why sock away money for a down payment that will never be enough? Spend it on something attainable instead, something that will give you momentary pleasure instead of endless

Patient: How’d the surgery go, doc?

Can I just say that I am in awe of articles like this. The effort and research that went into gathering all this info is amazing. Thanks for making the effort.