
I went to a meet-up for women in local politics and met a Slovenian woman who was running for a school board seat. She’s been a citizen for 15 years and has managed to build a MASSIVE community of Slovenian women in this small Minnesota suburb. She was brought over first, as a mail-order bride and she managed to

The mail order bride thing makes me infuriated because it’s easier for them to get a visa and green card in most cases than it is for an undocumented immigrant who has been in this country since they were children to get a green card after they marry a citizen.

The woman he’s campaigning against is literally reverting city streets to gravel if residents on the street can’t pay for repairs themselves (guess who this hits hardest?) Like, Mello is a shitty Democratic candidate, but the incumbent is basically a monster.

There is no pro-choice candidate running for mayor of Omaha, so your choices are an anti-choice Democrat or an anti-choice Republican. Who would Clinton want you to vote for?

Dumb. Clinton would absolutely have supported this candidate. She was fundraising for downticket Dems throughout her campaign.

Sorry to break the news to you, but, La Virgrn is a prime example of how the Mexican people have decolonized Catholicism, reshaping an oppressive religion to reflect indigenous values (matriarchy and sacred womanhood). Please note that La Virgen is the brown mother of god. Please note that she is not your oppressor.

I kinda understand how you feel however I was born and raised Muslim and I have certain feelings about Islam, but at the same time I can see why religions bring comfort and hope to many people especially in times of suffering and despair.

This, but with Bill O’Reilly...

I thought this one was ridiculously appropriate

Who is that glorious child?

Been waiting for the right opportunity to use this gem

If California really is so deep blue, perhaps someone could run in a primary against her.

I support single-payer because it’s the most cost effective and simplest way to get health care to every single American.

Having lived in the town he and his brother grew up and went to high school in, there was a pride in having one of our own make it all the way to the NFL, but not only to the NFL, but to one of the successful local teams, even though there were some questions about Hernandez’s character before even college. Bristol is