
Let’s also include the bullshit coup orchestrated by the CIA to Arbenz that lead our country into total chaos. And all of what? So the white privileged boys could have their damn bananas.

Yeah, I think some places are safer than others for tourist, I was a bit nervious when I took my husband back home and he was non chalantly walking to the corner taco stand and abarroteria to buy Gallos and looking all Irish but he said he felt safe. My friends and I were robbed in Izabal like ten years ago and we are

I would say that regular tourist that just want to see Guatemala are far more than let’s say Mormon mionaries, or humanitaria workers.

I’m not sure if anyone would appreciate this, but my biggest drug is thrift shopping and ever since the thing became president, ivankas crap has been filling the shelfs of goodwill! Best part no one buys it and sit there till they go on sale for $1.

In Los Angeles is never about the distance but the traffic, sometimes I have to pick up my husband in Altadena from south Los Angeles and if I dare to go say 5, it will take me solid 1.5 hours to get there. In all fairness no rush hour commute is only 35min.

Totally get it, I was so annoyed myself about how people can utilize your heritage to validate something. I do live in California so I’m not shocked at all about all this at all. I attempt yoga once a week but I’m a total expert!

Or the Mayan...

Extinct?! There are plenty of Mayan chamanes, curanderos, comadronas in my country who do practice accordingly to Mayan beliefs, but yeah she needs to stop this crap and being disrespectful to both your and mine culture.

As actual Mayan descendant myself who’s great grandparent was an actual Mayan chamán, I feel very curious about your knowledge of Mayan rituals. So please do tell.

Sometimes local government tries to help the “repatriados” but I mean the resources aren’t great or beyond busfare to go back to whatever town you are from, my friend got deported last week, and he was telling me that it was horrible and demeaning the way they are treated, when he got back home they helped him get a

Sooo, I’m brown, until very recently I was an undomunted imigrant, I’m also a woman. I do not believe in the Democratic Party I was raised in a different country I went to a very left leaning socialist university and spent a lot of time in my childhood and teens in Cuba, the Democratic Party just doesn’t represent me.

Is so sad that not even Obama could even get 50%... I’ve been waiting and hoping my whole adult life to be able to vote. I actually cried last year primaries when I casted my vote. I know many people like me who would do anything to earn the right to vote.

love your comment but Bernie didn’t ditch anyone, he convinced me to vote for Hillary even though I didn’t wanted to and helped realize that yeah trump was a no go.

Let me ask you, do you think seniority should have a heavier weight because of how many years you’ve been involved with the party? I wasn’t eligible to vote till 2016 and I’m in my thirties.

Right? Sometimes I feel like maybe Baldwin playing him said it.... but noooo this uneducated asshole is the president. Still hurts to acknowledge he is the president. 

Fuck, that is awesome.

I don’t have much money but I will give it all for those results.

Sudafed frustrates me to no end, I live in chronic congestion and there is only one specific sudafed that works for me, and only one pharmacy that has them. I get a box every two weeks but those dirty looks from the same pharm tech like I’m some meth head, I gotta check how my migraine medication refill will go but

Agree, my favorite time is when we get too see the 10 or so hummingbirds we have in the backyard just feeding and flying around, it helps me teach my daughter that animals are not for humans to use or consume, they are just living beings that want to live a life free of oppression and brutality like us.

I think comparing any unspeakable behavior a human commits to an animal behavior IS unfair, animals mostly act out of instinct and not so much malice and BS like humans... but i don’t know I like animals over humans any day of the week.