
you won!!! I keep telling myself that the whole press conference, I felt like Trudeau wanted to laugh at times and the racist tangerine looked like he wanted to run and hide. I’m so envious of the Canadians, what I would give to have someone like Trudeau.

I’ve heard, parents selling their children’s ssn and relatives of deceased people, but also there are data bases that get hacked and then sold off. But I’ve just heard about it I have no proof.

Thank you so very much... Middle East isn’t the only ones who have suffer from American intervention and disruption of democracies.

You made me cry... I’m somewhat relief that most of my undumented friends and family are in Cali but gosh these are bad times So bad that I feel so guilty that I got legal status because I married citizen. :/

Sometimes these numbers are made out of thin air, like your favorite numbers or changing a digit or two of your actual social type of id from your country.

Elevation is 7,880' so yeah mountains... c’mon my friend beaches, forests, desert, mountains... street tacos in every corner and you can grown food year round! Give us a chance you might fall in love like I have and I came from a tropical forest type of country. I do miss the rain though :/

Yeah, part of being a liberal is having compassion and empathy for others. But damn being our own country sounds so damn appealing sometimes.

Sorry a foot is about all we can offer, but sunshine is nice it’s 75 right now in Los Angeles.

I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude :( I wanted to be welcoming.... I came to California fleeing from a very bad situation in my country and leaving everything behind was really hard and I’m in reasonable health. I’m sorry we will fight with you and for you.

In the spirit of a California nation we would fund you to come here, and help you with your medical problems, the Jewish community has set up great medical programs in Los Angeles to help LGBTQ community and disadvantaged communities.

I don’t love your comment because I hate that you are right and we can’t leave them behind. When they divide us up they win.

I’m not a lawyer or advocate or anything remotely similar, but what I’ve learned from my own legal journey to a green card was that for instance Latino immigrants who crossed the border illegally have slim to non existent chances to obtain legal status through marriage even with a born citizen. If you overstayed the

I feel somehow consoled that there is people out there willing to fight this and are putting their efforts and knowledge to help immigrants like myself and my family/friends, we will never be able to repay the kindness and I’m grateful that this shitshow is shining a light in all the good and the bad so maybe we will

You made me cry :( my mom and brother are still ilegally here and countless friends too. I’m so fucking scared right now.

I’m from Los Angeles so I can only hope yoga pants, or hippie fringes.

Jews are some of my fav people in the world :), once a Jew friend offered to marry me to stop a future deportation, thank you for your love though I needed this! Even though I’m legal now half my family and friends aren’t and this situation is stressing my community to no end.

I had a coworker who was a Scientologist, that woman was so smart and funny that when she dare me to guess her “religion” my first thought was Satanist, I was sadly wrong. Scientology can happen to the best out there :(

I escaped the church about ten years ago, but I do miss that sense of community, unconditional support and we will drop anything to go help a church member thing, not to mention the food! Always lovingly cooked by the elder sisters.

Panicking is not nearly enough for how I feel. My poor kid who has learning disabilities will hit LAUSD in about 2 years actually we already get services but arent fully in. Two effing years is plenty of time for her to fuck it up even more.

I don’t know if I should laugh or cry... I though the Donald was a billionaire.