
Yay! However I hope they aren’t taking assange in his offer to be extradited to the USA :/

Like 10 as in ten pounds??!! My chihuahua weights more than 10 pounds

My baby is 3 and 25# and looks very skinny compared to her peers. but to be fair my husband is tall and painfully skinny despite the fact that he eats twice the normal amount any adult would.

I wish I could star your comment to infinity!

Yes! Identify semi decent republicans who can be sway by being flooded with calls from voters who oppose shutting down PP and we might be able to have a significant shot. I live in California so I know my representives will not support defunding PP.

maybe he did all of those things and presented them better than I did, however the fact that I was called by my supervisor several times for help during the following six months makes me wonder if he was that much better.

I did, and I was told my compensation was fair for my job and duties.

I hate this so much, I had a pretty decent job and I got pregnant and my husband and I decided that I was gonna stay home at least for 5 years raising our child. My replacement was hired and it was a guy, when training him it came up that his salary was going to be 20k more a year than I made and his qualification

Try the mini lozenges from nicorette, they did the trick for me. Happy new year.

I deeply admire you, if i were in your shoes I would’ve lost my shit and drank/smoke/drugged myself probably to death, I’m so deeply sorry and I hope your strength can inspire parents and people who have experienced so much loss.

Exactly, and so what’s if a war would begin from this? I’m ready to fight for this I’m sure there are many will join the fight for democracy, after all regardless of my feelings for Hillary she did win.

I honestly don’t want to start anything at all, but that is exactly how I felt after Bernie won my cd that I with many others had work so hard to flip just so our super delagate didn’t honor our results, heck he said he wouldn’t vote Bernie even if he won and that was said before Iowa. Electoral collage and super

wow, growing up in a deeply evangelical home I was taught to repudiate and fear Satanist, but I would like to apologize to Satanist around the world for my fear mongering based beliefs and my very idiotic ways, way to go Satanist I fully support your efforts based on rationality.

What the fuck.... I have a 3 year old daughter and we have the potential to end up living in Latinoamérica since I was born and raised there but seriously the violence against women in Latinoamérica is brutal and most often ignored, it took me years of living in America to understand that a a random guy touching my

My child is very slowly progressing, she is 3 and has yet to speak a word, which in these holidays is a tiny silver lining, also her understanding is very immature for her age which is also another small silver lining, my in laws are alright with her because despite my very strong Mayan genes the kid came out so white

Let me paint you a little picture, my in laws pretty much all the old ones including great grandparents voted trump, me a Hispanic Mayan woman in a biracial marriage with a kid with some delays... there will not be enough whisky to get me through the holiday party. I’m bringing my own and probably a couple anti

I’m having some unholy attraction to stone cold Steve Austin right now after watching that clip. Can 2016 be over already? I’m starting to get used to this dirty feeling inside :(

Thankfully I am in a blue state, and a good one (California) that doesn’t take away the burn I feel with my husbands family, they are all as white and blue eyed as they come and I knew that our marriage bothered them but seeing all the Trump support from them was hurtful for reference I’m central american/mayan. In a

As I see it in my tiny head, I was all in with Bernie, and damn it, it took every ounce in me to vote for Hillary but I did mostly because my only consalation was that with Hillary the racism and misogyny wouldn’t be as loud as it is now with Trump. I’m an immigrant in a biracial marriage with a kid with learning

Your comment is making me wanna drink and is only 4pm... I have a 3 year old! A 3 year old with learning disabilities. I didn’t like Clinton but voted for her anyways because I was scared of my poor child having to live in trumps America. I’m sorry but fuck this shit my child didn’t do shit to deserve this. For that