

A type of insult or name calling derived by ones differences is what gets to me, like I said where and with the people I grew up in my sorroundings snow flake was just the same as gringo or Gavacho. I’m sorry maybe I’m just internalizing the fact that sometimes some people don’t seem to get that being derogatory

Raised in evangelical home I was taught to fear and condemn the satanist, as a grown up I think I wanna make a donation to their organization.

When you use it...   where I come from snowflakes are white people, so maybe using a different term for people with fragile feelings?

If white people are snowflakes what are we brown people? Stains of mud?

My two cents, which might not be worth the actual two cents. We do somehow vote based on our identity, i hate myself but as a Hispanic formerly undocumented and immigration  was so important to me, of course i cared about gay rights and women’s rights but immigration was so rooted in me! half my family and friends are

He did reach out to Latino voters, when he went to San Diego’s friendship park, it literally exploded in the Hispanic news outlets. After that I had a lot of people from my country cheering him on and hoping, even though he lost California he defeated Clinton in the cd’s where Latinos where predominant.

Yeah, non Christians that don’t love their god is a big no no, I grew up as a born again Christian and are we hateful! thankfully I have reformed since into an ambiguous sorta believer. The only thing I gotta give to Christians is that they know how to organize. I volunteered for Bernie and I met with about 25

Tell me about it, I’m a former undocumented Hispanic woman with a special needs child in a biracial marriage, yet I’m often called a Bernie bro. I supported Bernie because he spoke to me and the issues that I care about in ways Hillary never did, I also thought that America was the land where you can freely support or

I don’t know about you but I have a child now, and I love her so much that whenever I feel a bit emotional about it is because of the whole what could’ve been... but good god then reality my wonderful husband and child would’ve been traded with a horrible abusive baby daddy and a poor immigrant teen mom on welfare

I want to extend a cyber hug to you... I feel sometimes I bit emotional when I think of the two ones I had but big picture it was for the best.

I love you.. I did the same, worked hard for bernie and attempted to work as hard as I could for Hillary, hell I even voted for her even though I didnt really wanted to.

It’s interesting how the white Christians differ so much from the brown Christians, most brown Christians from my former congregation were so into Bernie that they made drives and fundraisers for him. Also this was California so maybe that is why and his kind immigration views.

I agree, Bernie is a nice guy politically speaking, however I volunteered for him and the waves of all these people from all paths of line wanting to help was unreal, when he lost in my brown heart I knew I had to at least try to volunteer for Clinton which I did, and the energy the over cliched enthusiasm wasn’t

What? Bernie won hands down the brown vote here in California. He didn’t do well in the black community.

I worry a lot about the school system and how so not disaggregated still is, my kid who is a 3 year old biracial kid that somehow came out so white that makes me a Latina seem like the nanny in most instances. We live in a predominat black neighborhood and now that she has to go to a special program for kids with

I’m very fascinated by this, Latinos were reportedly becoming citizens at record numbers, including myself just so we could have a meaningful impact in the elections... I want my money back.

I feel you, my kid is too young to understand not tommention she has a speech, comprehension and emotional delay.... she is now in trumps America and she is also half brown. I can’t cry enough and I can’t enough today... I miss smoking cigarettes.

we need to gut the DNC and all the vanilla centrist democrats need to really move to the left and become real progressives if we ever wanna see a democratic president in power.

She is so brave and wonderful, but gosh the clothes I love sparkly everything...