
I would love to hate on Canadians but I’ve only met ver nice ones. Our kid has a learning disability and needs to have different therapies during the week, the cost $50 copayment per visit x 4 or 5 times each week.. I pay nearly $700 a month for health insurance.  

I wear lululemon and Stella McCartney among other brands but only if I can find them at goodwill or swap meet. Spending more than $10 in clothing that I sweat in is unacceptable to me and my wallet.

It has taken me too long to understand that being grabbed by ones genitals or butt or breast is in fact assault, from the Latino country I’m from too many men do this to women, it has happened to me so many times More than I can actually recall mind you it starts when you are about 13 and it never stops.

I miss feeling cold :( must of all I miss the rain, gosh I grew up in a tropical country where rain happens 8 months out the year. It’s been so hot here in Los Angeles lately and it hasn’t rained in like 6 years. Sorry for the downer.

Ok, so I just had a realization moment of why I was scared to be left alone. I feel so sad for kid self and what fanatism did to my life.

I haven’t slept in 3.5 years. My kid hasn’t slept for more than 4 hours at a time since she was born, at this point her bed is in our room because I honestly can’t go back and forth anymore I’m the type of person who once awaken will never go back to sleep. My mom locked me out all the time and crying yourself to

I used to like Cheetos.

Agree, I follow a plant based diet, but my kid eats hotdogs and cheese and whatever she wants within the realm of not too crappy. I’m no one to impose on her or my husband my life choices. The dogs are fucked though and do follow a plant based diet because I’m their cook.

I’m. 4'11 and most people think I’m 16 even though I’m in my 30's.. I don’t wear heels everyday but I do wear them when I get audited at work or when meeting my in laws.

You are always on point. :)

Clinton is the better choice for Americans and I get that but damn people who don’t acknowledge the potential damage that she can make with her interventionalist ways are heartless. People from small countries like Honduras or Libia matter and the luxury of fighting for women’s rights or gay rights aren’t afforded to

What makes you think the world won’t suffer with Clinton? Maybe not the develop countries but how about third world places like Honduras where Clinton has some things to answer? My country wouldn’t be able to take another American organized coup, at least now we have nothing left to give. Both candidates are shit and

Please delete his number and don’t look back. I’m gonna admit to my shitty dickhead days but I ghosted a couple guys and when I did In fact reconnected again it was only because I was bored and wanted some ego boost. There hasn’t been a single day my better half and I haven’t spoken or texted or email each oother

Pictures! Pug puppies is something we all need.

Let’s assume for a second she intoxicated did consent but passed out on their way to his dorm, does he think that makes it ok to rape her because she consented before she passed out? How lame.

Also what makes you think she couldn’t be the mother? I’m dark hair and dark skin Latina married to a white guy, my kid came out so white with green eyes and very blonde! Everyone thinks I’m the nanny. Genetics is a cruel mistress.

It's almost like the joke is on him. But not really :(

I used to love my satin pumps from her... Now I can't wear them. Fuck this election. Those shoes were truly comfortable!

You seem like the right person to ask for some reason. I’m Hispanic with both Mayan and Spanish genes, although somehow it seems like I look Indian like from India. I lived my whole life in Latin America and moved here to the USA 7 years ago. My country is by no means perfect but instead of racism we are more of

Thank you! Sexual abuse is horrible. It usually doesn't kill you but keeps fucking you over again and again.