
My pool sample is also small (5 people) but I actually do know some people who would not vote for sanders, as matter fact they have even stopped hanging with me based on the fact that I support and have volunteered for Bernie, it didn’t bothered them when I was Green Party.

I’m all love for everyone, I do have restrictions on GOP members but some of the Hillary supporters like GoldenMama up there is Bernie bro for Hillary on steroids. At the end I was Green Party before going dem for Bernie but will probably go back again.

Can you define “bernie bro” so I can make an informed decision whether I’m offended or not.

Maybe we can keep Michelle regardless of who becomes president? Better yet Michelle for president!

Thank you for your recommendation I will actually check it out. I rarely let myself even think about it unless I come across this posts about abortion.

I wouldn't wanna side with anything Trump, but English is my 3rd language and sometimes I sound like that if I'm not sure what I'm talking about. I even sound like that in my first language if I spend too long without exercising it :/

What do you when you are mildly siding with Palin? I hate this year.

I never missed an episode of flavor of love... But I love New York was everything!

I lost track of who you support in the discussion. But wanted to give you a virtual hug (if you accept it) I truly hate this world and what the powerful have done to our world in the name of greed and lack of morality :(

It’s so far ;(.... I’m more in the south LA area. I'm hoping something will come up in the area some day.

I use pretty much the same, and wool balls for drying or clothes line :) I'll be a hippie with you.

Thank you. I’m already frustrated with the school system and I haven’t really started yet, but with a 3 year old with an “intellectual disability” my options are so limited :(

Damn it! I don’t appreciate her but damn it! was this good.

Thank you for providing a much needed smile. Trump winning had me crying up until now.

I know! I’m also a Bernie supporter and occasional volunteer and 8 out of 10 that I have talked to would not vote for Hilary. I dislike her and her policies, but even if it takes a handful of antidepressants I intend to show up to vote for her if she wins.

I will go back to my bottle of whisky now because I see no other choice. I fear that if Hillary wins the nomination she will lose due to the hatred republicans feel for her, and the possibility that Bernie supporters won’t support her. I say let’s unify and create a super ticket with both Sanders and Clinton.

Please, let there be a fight between Kanye and Trump. I'll bring the whisky!

It could’ve been unplanned. I fucked my employer over when I got pregnant.

It would be kinda awesome to hear Hillary talk about her vagina though.

How do you call a berniebro but for Hillary?